Accurate Word of God Education - Othniel's Story
America (United States)Student Othniel Altidor is active in his community church and sought out an Accurate Word of God Education; so he enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute for the free online ministry courses! Here is his story..
Accurate Word of God Education…

Outreach Ministry Education - Edward's Story
America (United States)Student Edward DeLisle utilizes the free online education he receives at Christian Leaders Institute for his Outreach Ministry. The courses at CLI are designed to give a quality Outreach Ministry Education to any called Christian Leader! Here…

Building Community Faith Through Ministry - Mary's Story
America (United States)Mary Elizabeth Whitlow has a dream to change her rapidly declining community and plans to enlighten, enrich and empower her neighbors by Building Community Faith Through Ministry at Christian Leaders Institute for free and completely online!…

Free Confidence Building Ministry Education - Cheryl's Story
America (United States)Student Cheryl Selby receives Free Confidence Building Ministry Education at Christian Leaders Institute and plans to utilize her education at CLI to minister more confidently and without error. Here is her story...
Free Confidence Building…

Become A Better Christian Leader - Steven's Story
America (United States)Steven Scott enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute seeking the education to Become A Better Chrisitan Leader, and further dedicate his life to his Walk with God. Here is his story...
Become A Better Christian Leader - Steven's Story

Enhance Christian Education - Brad's Story
America (United States)Brad Birkholz enrolled at CLI to receive seminary-grade ministry training for free on his own time and without financial obligation. Enhance Christian Education online free at Christian Leaders Institute!
Enhance Christian Education - Brad's…

Free Christian Education - Ricky's Story
America (United States)CLI student Ricky Merriman enrolled for a Free Christian Education in order to fulfill his heart's calling to Chaplin or Pastor to his community in Michigan! Here is his story...
Free Christian Education - Ricky's Story
Hello, my name is Ricky…

Canada Ministry Training Free
CanadaCLI student Jason Corbeil
Canada Ministry Training Free
Hello! My name is Jason Corbeil. I live in Ontario, Canada. I am excited to receive this Canada ministry training free of charge.
Canada is a fantastic country, full of beautiful…

Free Ministry Starting Courses - Cliff's Story
America (United States)Student Cliff Gonzalez enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to fulfill his dreams of starting a ministry! Free Ministry Starting courses are helping Cliff achieve his goals and dreams! Here is his story...
Free Ministry Starting Courses…

Christian Church Leader Training - Rev Jacob's Story
America (United States)Rev R.D. Jacobs is an Evangelist from Alabama who sought to be a Local Christian Leader in his Church, so he enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to receive free Christian Church Leader Training through CLI's online ministry training. Here…

Mentor Center Training Free Online - Angela's Story
America (United States)Pastor Angela Ricketts is a Christian Leaders Institute student from Missouri, and she enrolled at CLI for training to plant new Church's and Mentor Center training free online. Here is her story...
Mentor Center Training Free Online…

Minister to Jails with Free Online Training - Cheryl's Story
America (United States)Christian Leaders Institute's student Cheryl Jordan enrolled to learn and practice ministry and cater to inmates in jail. Here is Cheryl's story about how CLI made it possible to Minister to Jails with free online training!
Minister to Jails…

Save Lives Through Free Ministry Training - Ashley's Story
America (United States)Ashley Proctor enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to learn and understand God's Word and save lives through free Ministry Training. Here is her story...
Save Lives Through Free Ministry Training - Ashley's Story
Hello My name is Ashley…

Free Ministry Leader Training - Christina Mayhew's Story
America (United States)Christina Mayhew yearned to be a leader in her Church and enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to receive free Ministry Leader Training to achieve her goals and dreams. Here is her story...
Free Ministry Leader Training - Christina…

Free Strong Christian Foundation Training - Jacquelyn's Story
America (United States)Jacquelyn Vick has enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to build a free strong Christian foundation to write her Christian novels more effectively. Here is Jacquelyn's story...
Free Strong Christian Foundation Training - Jacquelyn Vick's…