Witness for God
America (United States)Witness For God
We are all called to be a witness for God to whoever we meet and wherever we are. God used James Baucom to be a witness for him even through the tough situation James faced.
My name is James Baucom. I currently reside in…

Passionate Calling - "Phoenix" Risen from the Ashes!
CanadaPassionate Calling - "Phoenix" Risen from the Ashes!
Sometimes you experience incredible obstacles and sadnesses in life. Some blame God. Some curse God and die. Others come to see God as their only hope. And when they find hope in God their…

I Know Christ Lives! - Training For Christian Leaders
America (United States), Ministry SchoolGreetings! I am Matthew Houston Lovett. I was born and raised in Statesboro, Georgia in the United States of America. I am 35 years old, and I am happily married and have six wonderful boys. Since I can remember, I have always known there was…

Continue Ministry Education Free of Cost - Shawna's Story
America (United States)Shawna Glenn does not have the financial means to return to school at a traditional seminary. So she enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to continue ministry education free of cost! Here is her story..
Continue Ministry Education Free of…

Pastoring To Prisoners - Allen's Story
America (United States)Allen Biddix's ministry calling is in evangelism and pastoring, and after serving a sentence in prison himself, he felt called to start Pastoring To Prisoners. He enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to fulfill his calling, and begin his…

Degree of Divinity - Matthew's Story
America (United States)Matthew Bell has been a High School teacher for four years and has been called to Ministry! He dreams of earning he Degree of Divinity, and he enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to make his dreams a reality! Here is his story...

Free Successful Ordination Training and Certification - David's Story
America (United States)CLI graduate David Murphy enrolled at Chrisitan Leaders Institute for the free online training that fit with his schedule. He sought a deeper understanding and education in ministry and utilized CLI's Free Successful Ordination Training and…

Sandra Williams of the United States of America - Christian Leaders Basic Certificate
America (United States)Sandra Williams of the United States of America - Christian Leaders Basic Certificate
My name is Sandra Williams, most people call me Sandi. I live in the USA and at honestly, at times find it difficult to do ministry. I rely heavily upon…

Free Childrens Ministry Training - Ron's Story
America (United States)Ron Webster's ministry dream is to connect with children and youth to bring them the Word of God. He enrolled at CLI for Free Childrens Ministry Training and is changing his life with his new education! Here is his story...
Free Childrens Ministry…

Ministry Education Without Financial Obligation - Brad's Story
America (United States)Brad DeForest could not afford to take additional courses through a traditional seminary, so he enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute for a Ministry Education Without Financial Obligation. Here is his story...
Ministry Education Without Financial…

Brink of Revival - Jeffrey's Story
America (United States)Jeffrey Whitlow recognizes that his community is on the Brink of Revival and wishes to use Christian Leaders Institute's free online ministry training to bring Revival to Muskegon, MI. Here is his story...
Brink of Revival - Jeffrey's Story

Free Haitian Ministry Training - Leveque's Story
HaitiStudent Leveque Ambroise was looking through many different online ministries. Because he could not afford their fees associated with their ministries, he enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute for Free Haitian Ministry Training! Here is his…

Change Your Life Through Ministry - Cashmere's Story
America (United States)Student Cashmere Hill needed a change in life, she was very unahppy with her previous education and felt a calling toward ministry. She enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to fulfill God's plan for her life. Change Your Life Through Ministry…

Get a Free Ministry Education on Your Own Time - Vincent's Story
America (United States)Student Vincent Alands searched for education that would not cause more debt or turn him away and found Christian Leaders Institute's free online ministry and enrolled. Get a Free Ministry Education on Your Own Time like Vincent did! Here is…

Free Youth Ministry Mentoring Education - John's Story
America (United States)CLI student John Utterbeck enrolled at CLI for free Youth Ministry Mentoring education and is working toward fulfilling his dreams of youth pastoring. Here is his story...
Free Youth Ministry Mentoring Education - John's Story
I am…