Online Bible Study Opportunity
Jamaica, Ministry SchoolMy name is Arlene Douglas. I am from St. Mary, Jamaica. The online Bible study opportunity blesses me at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about studying the Bible online, Click Here).
My Spiritual Journey
I am a retired Early Childhood…

Ministry Knowledge and Skills at CLI
Jamaica, Ministry SchoolCLI Will Help Reclaim Jamaica for Jesus!
My name is Daniel Bennett from Kingston, Jamaica. I am 28 years old, married for over a year, and father to a 3-month-old boy, Caleb. Certified in Information Technology and HR Recruiting, I am a new…

Tuition Free Ministry Education
Jamaica, Tuition Free Minister TrainingMy name is Corrie Cunningham - Brooks of Jamaica. I like to describe myself as a Christian daughter, wife, mother, teacher, author, and Radio announcer. The most amazing thing about me is that God has found it possible to use me, which is REALLY…

Study for Free at CLI
Jamaica, Ministry SchoolMy name is Karen Simms-Lawson, and I am excited to study for free at the Christian Leaders Institute. I am from the island of Jamaica. In December of 1996, I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been walking with the Lord ever since.

Free High-Quality Ministry School
Jamaica, Ministry SchoolSaved to Make a Difference, Jesus Did It!
I firmly believe that anyone can be chosen by God to be a difference to make a difference. Hello, my name is Shaneil Jones, and I am at a free high-quality Ministry School - the Christian Leaders Institute.

Bible School Training at CLI
Bible School Interest, JamaicaFree Bible School Training Opportunity
My name is Sharoina Clarke Lindsay from Brown's Town St Ann in Jamaica. I am excited about CLI's free Bible school training opportunity. I'm married to a wonderful man of God who has a heart and a passion…

Student Learner: God is the Answer
JamaicaStudent Learner Studying at CLI
My name is Peta Gay Waugh, and I live and work in Jamaica. I describe myself as a student learner and am learning, understanding and getting to know Him. Therefore, as I grow on my journey as a Christian, I must…

Jamaica Preaching Course - Reflection by Johnis Burton
JamaicaJamaica Preaching Course
Johnis Burton is student from Jamaica taking preaching at Christian Leaders Institute. This Jamaica preaching course ends with a reflection what he learned. This is his reflection:
The weeks of training in…

Bible School in Jamaica - A Student is Called to Change the World
Bible School in Jamaica - Could a CLI Student from Jamaica change the world for Christ? Because of the Internet, Christian Leaders Institute can open a Bible School in Jamaica where even the poor can receive excellent ministry training. …

Daniel 1 - Sermon from Johnis Burton of Jamaica
Jamaica, Sermon ConstructionName: Johnis Burton
Scripture: Daniel 1 (focus vs 7)
Theme: There Is Something In A Name
Sermon #1 in the Sermon Construction Class…