Bible School News

What is Bible School?  A Bible school is a place that values the Bible as the book that guides all the academics. The Bible shapes the worldview of the Christian Leaders Institute.

What does that mean?

First, the Christian Leaders Institute believes that the Bible is the Word of God. The sentence in our statement of faith says this:
The Bible
The Bible is God’s inerrant, infallible, reliant Word, the only final authority for faith and life. (Proverbs 30:5-6; Isaiah 8:20; John 10:35; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:21)

This means that the Bible is not in error about God is. He created the world, he created humanity (Genesis 1-2) Humans fell into sin (Genesis 3). And the rest of the Bible is the reliant word of redemption. Truly, the Bible is the only rule for faith and life. See The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

Read stories of graduates who seek to have Bible study as their core value. If you look for a school that holds the Bible in high-esteem, Christian Leaders Institute will be an encouragement to you.

Enroll in the admissions class. This class takes about two hours to complete. Then dive right into a Bible study that will change your life.

After you enroll in the admissions class, you are invited to take as many of the over 90 classes available as you want. Many of the classes are Bible study classes that focus on Bible survey or specific books of the Bible.

Rory Smith of Canada - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Rory Smith - "The country I was born and raised in is Canada. Our country isn't too bad for allowing freedom of religion and doing ministry work. "I came to the Lord when I was about 14 yrs. old. There was a revival going on at our high…

Robert Green of South Africa - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Robert Green - "Hi my name is Robert Green. I am from South Africa. All religions are tolerated although not equally represented. The vast majority of citizens have cultural beliefs that are non-christian. Due to the legacy of apartheid…

Jeffrey Ruth of the U.S. - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Jeffrey Ruth - "My name is Jeffrey Ruth and I live in Fowlerville, Michigan, in the United States. There are many ministry opportunities available in the United States to those who can overcome the world. This last qualification, overcoming…

Erick Florez of Panama - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Erick Florez - "My name is Erick Florez, and I am 28 years old. I Live in Panama, City, Panama. God is blessing Panama as never before. Panama's economy is growing as never before. Christianity is accepted here, although Catholicism is…

Stuart Harrison of Romania - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Stuart Harrison - "My name is Stuart Harrison, I am 30 years old and originally from Luton, England. I have been living in Romania for almost 5 years now and more specifically in a small town called Balan for one year. In Balan, I am…

Lonnie Cooper of the U.S. - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Lonnie Cooper - "Ministry in the United States is relatively easy. The area of east Liverpool, Ohio, in which i live, is currently and predominantly Christian. There are, unfortunately, still people who are unbelievers or have "hardened their…

Shelly Depp of the U.S. - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Shelly Depp - "Hello my name is Shelly Depp. I have been married to the most wonderful husband for 21 years. We have four boys and twin daughters. Also I'm a minister's wife. I am very grateful that God saw fit to prepare us for incredible…

Emmanuel J.K Yillah of Sierra Leone - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Emmanuel J.K Yillah - "My name is Pastor Emmanuel J.K Yillah. I am presently the Pastor incharge of New Life Ministeries Makani fellowship in the north part of Sierra Leone. I live in Sierra Leone, West Africa. I have pastored churches…

Phil Patterson Jr. of the USA - Featured Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Phil Patterson Jr - "My name is Phil Patterson Jr and I am currently a student at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in the United States and ministry is an awesome but at times challenging experience. The responses received are not always…

Alvaro Baquero Parra of Colombia

Alvaro Baquero Parra - "My name is Alvaro Baquero Parra. I live in Colombia, South America. I believe that ministry in this country is very important because you could find a lot of christian people who love to serve with humility. The ministry…

Shane Norwood of the U.S. - Christian Basics Featured Graduate of the Day

Shane Norwood - "My name is Shane Norwood, and I reside in beautiful, sunny (usually) Southern California, U.S.A. As a citizen of the United States I am blessed with the freedom to worship freely, but California presents unique challenges…

George Genga of Kenya - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

George Genga - "Hi. i am George Genga, a Kenyan living in the eastlands part of Nairobi. I am 38 years old and am currently pastoring a young church with 15 members in Kayole estate. Doing ministry in very low income areas is a challenge,…

Charlotte Egyir Johnson of Ghana - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Charlotte Egyir Johnson - "I am a Ghanaian living in Ghana. Ministry in Ghana is very difficult because many people are poor and are using any means they can find to survive. Many keep on wallowing in sin because of this poverty and lack…

Tinus Willemse of South Africa - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

Tinus Willemse - "I live in South Africa, and I am proudly South African. Our challenge is the transition from apartheid to our new democracy, and sadly our Government still blames apartheid for their current failures after almost 20…

Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr. - Christian Basics Graduate of the Day

 Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr. - "I am Rev. Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr. currently living in Saclepea City, in the republic of Liberia, West Africa. To do ministry here is to have the heart of Christ, accepting all trials and persecution that…