Third World Country Ministry Training - Ogness' Story
Tanzania, United Republic OfCLI student Ogness Lambert enrolled at CLI to further his studies to teach better and pastor his community. He does not have the financial ability to enroll in a traditional seminary and feels blessed to have found Christian Leaders Institute's…

Christian Guidance in South Africa - Rochelle's Story
South AfricaRochelle Pedersen strayed from Christianity along her journey in the Western Cape. She later on experienced God's calling to her to return to Christianity and searched for a solution in seminary without financial or geographical obligations.…

Know God Better - Ketty's Story
KenyaKenya student Ketty Opot enrolled at CLI to deepen her knowledge and understanding of God and The Bible with free online training available in even the smallest parts of the world! Here is her story...
Know God Better - Ketty's Story

Effective Church Planting Training - Ben's Story
PhilippinesCLI Student Ben Gonzaga enrolled at Chrisitan Leaders Institute for Effective Church Planting Training. He has been involved with Church Planting for a while now and wanted to enhance his skills and education for more effective work in Church…

French Ministry Training - CLI launching a program for the French Language
Bible School InterestFrench Ministry Training
French Ministry Training is something CLI is seeing a need for in the world. French is a spoken language in over 40 countries. CLI is in the process of translating classes into French in order to provide French ministry…

Nigerian Ordination Story - Abutu Onche Simon Umoru
NigeriaNigerian Ordination Story
My name is Abutu Onche Simon Umoru. I was born in 1976 as a Nigerian, brought up in the Northern part of the country, in the Army barracks where my father was serving the Nigerian Army. I grew up in a home with eight…

Sandra Williams of the United States of America - Christian Leaders Basic Certificate
America (United States)Sandra Williams of the United States of America - Christian Leaders Basic Certificate
My name is Sandra Williams, most people call me Sandi. I live in the USA and at honestly, at times find it difficult to do ministry. I rely heavily upon…