Bible School News

What is Bible School?  A Bible school is a place that values the Bible as the book that guides all the academics. The Bible shapes the worldview of the Christian Leaders Institute.

What does that mean?

First, the Christian Leaders Institute believes that the Bible is the Word of God. The sentence in our statement of faith says this:
The Bible
The Bible is God’s inerrant, infallible, reliant Word, the only final authority for faith and life. (Proverbs 30:5-6; Isaiah 8:20; John 10:35; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:21)

This means that the Bible is not in error about God is. He created the world, he created humanity (Genesis 1-2) Humans fell into sin (Genesis 3). And the rest of the Bible is the reliant word of redemption. Truly, the Bible is the only rule for faith and life. See The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

Read stories of graduates who seek to have Bible study as their core value. If you look for a school that holds the Bible in high-esteem, Christian Leaders Institute will be an encouragement to you.

Enroll in the admissions class. This class takes about two hours to complete. Then dive right into a Bible study that will change your life.

After you enroll in the admissions class, you are invited to take as many of the over 90 classes available as you want. Many of the classes are Bible study classes that focus on Bible survey or specific books of the Bible.

Study to be a small group leader

Study to Be a Small Group Leader

Hello, my name is Diomedes Sambas. Born in the Philippines, I now live in Surrey, B.C., Canada. I am married to my wife of 25 years. The Lord has blessed us with a son who is now 18 years old. I heard about the Christian Leaders Institute in…
Christian leadership and ministry training

Christian Leadership and Ministry Training

My name is Imelda Huliganga. I am from the northern part of the Philippines, known as Bauang La Union. I now live in Canada with my husband and family. As a student at the Christian Leaders Institute, I am taking tuition-free Christian leadership…
ministry and evangelism training

Ministry and Evangelism Training

My Journey to Becoming a Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ My name is Israel Okolo. I am grateful to God for directing me to the Christian Leaders Institute for ministry and evangelism training. I am currently a resident of Canada but…
Occupy Heaven New York
Tuition free online classes

Tuition Free Online Classes

God Will Provide My name is Richard Newel, but I have been known as Rik since my early teenage years. God guides us even when we do not realize it. I am thankful for the tuition-free online ministry classes offered at the Christian Leaders…
Opportunity to Study for ministry

Opportunity to Study for Ministry

God's Grace is Sufficient Hi, I'm Andrew Cawthorn from Stutterheim, South Africa. I have been a student at the Christian Leaders Institute since late 2014 and early 2015, when I searched online for an opportunity to study for the ministry. My…
Life Coach Ministry and More

Life Coach Ministry and More

From Broken to Beautiful Through God's Grace My name is Rika Mostert. I am called to life coach ministry and more! That is why I am a student at the Christian Leaders Institute. My husband and I live in the scenic, small coastal village…
West Michigan Ministry Training
How to Sleep Better

How to Sleep Better

LEARN HOW TO SLEEP BETTER Enroll Here! LEARN HOW TO SLEEP BETTER Enroll Here LEARN HOW TO SLEEP Are you interested in mastering the art of achieving better sleep? Christian Leaders Institute…
West Michigan is going to change the world
called to pastoral ministry

Called to Pastoral Ministry

Hello, my name is Haven Rockthunder. I have a ministry dream to reach out to others and lead them to the Lord. That is why I am studying at the Christian Leaders Institute because God calls me to pastoral or chaplaincy ministry. My Story I…
Tuition free ministry studies

Tuition Free Ministry Studies

My name is Able Khumbulani Moyo. I am from Bulawayo City in Zimbabwe. I am a student of the Christian Leaders Institute with its tuition-free ministry studies. God is preparing me for further ministry service. Growing Up as a Pastor's Child Being…
Ministry Study online

Ministry Study Online

God Never Ceases to Amaze My name is Shauline, and I live in South Africa. I am a wife and a mom of a daughter. I am also a student at the Christian Leaders Institute for ministry study online. My Journey I grew up in a Christian home. Church…