Revival in Scotland - James' Story

Revival in Scotland – James’ Story

Student James Saunders was brought to Christian Leaders Institute by friends, mentors and pastors in Scotland. He enrolled to help fulfill his calling of Revival in Scotland and formal ministry training that he could afford! Here is his story... Revival…

Formal Ministry Education – Fran’s Story

Christian Leaders Institute student Fran Hume has been a part of her Church's outreach program for a long time now, but feels the need to take her involvement in ministry further. She has enrolled at CLI for a Formal Ministry Education, and…
Steven Whitehurst - Free UK Church Planter Training

Steven Whitehurst – Free UK Church Planter Training

CLI student receives free UK Church Planter training online at Christian Leaders Institute: CLI student Steven Whitehurst is fulfilling his dream to become a Church Planter in the UK by earning his Church Planting certificate for free at Christian…

Samuel McQuigg from Great Britain – Christian Leaders Basic Certificate

My name is Samuel McQuigg. I am 47 years old and live in Wolverhampton in Great Britain with my wife and her eldest son. I am remarried and have two boys who live with their mother. We are moving to Cornwall next month so that my wife can look…
ireland bible training

Ireland Bible Training- From Toolmaker to a Tool of the Maker

Ireland Bible Training My name is John. I broke the sound through barrier this year and turned 50. I am married to a fantastic woman, Erica, for four years now on November 14. I have two wonderful sons from my first marriage. I am currently…
christian church planter training

Christian Church Planter Training With CLI- The Vision and Calling

"The church has been very supportive in my calling by way of offering supportive prayers and providing some materials needed for the propagation of the gospel. My wife has been exceptionally amazing and supportive to my calling by her continual…
online ministry course

Online Ministry Course To Set A Part The Called And Chosen

 "My Pastor, as good a friend as he is, does not know all my story, he does know about my calling. I did my best to explain it to him. He knows I am doing an online ministry course, but does not know the extent of it yet, but he soon will.…

Ministry Dreams- A Biker’s New Mission

Ministry Knows No Bounds As One Ireland CLI Student Found Out Hi I am John Corcoran and I am Irish and currently living here in Ireland. I am 52 years of age. I am blessed to be married to my wife Karen for 30 Years. We have been blessed with…
work of God

Work Of God In The Green Pastures Of Ireland

Impact The World With The Work Of God One thing is for sure in our world today, the work of God will never run out. This is a business that will never close its doors. There is much to be done for the Kingdom. Some are called to preach, others…
become a minister

Become A Minister To Advance God’s Kingdom

Become a Minister to Lead Today's Broken World From men to women and unfortunately down to the smallest pair of feet belonging to children, we live in a world where brokenness could describe many. We cry out to God to take our pain, take our…
Online Bible School in the United Kingdom

Online Bible School in the United Kingdom -Prince Pius Nyiam

Online Bible School in the United Kingdom Greetings to you brothers and sisters in the Lord. My name is Pius Otu Nyiam, I currently live in Manchester, England, United Kingdom where I have been for most of my life. I am 54 years old. Ministry…
Bible Training

Bible Training – International High Quality Ministry Training Available

Bible Training offered at seminaries and Bible colleges is usually costly. Christian Leaders Institute offers Bible training using the internet. Christian Leaders Institute provides high quality Bible training classes which includes courses…

Ministry Training for Romania -Teisanu Gabriel Petrica Graduates

Ministry Training for Romania Christian Leaders Institute offers ministry training for Romanians who speak English, and many of them do. This country is a hot spot for revival right now. The pentecostal and Baptist faiths are spreading quickly…

Evangelist Training in Spain – Lucian D Constantin is Getting Ready

Evangelist Training in Spain Spain is ripe for Christian Revival. Wikipedia  "Most Spaniards do not participate regularly in religious worship."   Evangelicals would say that Spain is too steeped in nominal Christianity and secularism to…

Evangelist Training – Derek J Backhouse Studies to Reach Northern Ireland

 Evangelist Training Are called to be an evangelist? Do you need evangelist training? Does that evangelist training need to free? Christian Leaders Institute offers over 20 classes that prepare you for your calling. My name is Derek J Backhouse,…