Low Cost College Degree at CLI/CLI
Debt Free College Degrees, South AfricaChristian, Minister, Woman, Wife, and Mother. The core of these monikers always remains with me, clear and precise in my mind. My identity on a DNA level, so to speak. My name is Azelda Joubert, and I am getting a low-cost college degree at…

Abby Dominiak's Bachelor of Divinity Reflection
Bible College Online, Debt Free College DegreesBachelor of Divinity Journey Reflection
I am overjoyed to be here after this educational milestone. All praise and glory to God! I am so grateful for what I have learned in these courses and what God has laid on my heart during this Bachelor…

Debt Free College Degree: My Gratitude for CLI
Debt Free College DegreesDebt Free College Degree at CLI
Blessings in Christ to the wonderful president, students, staff in general, professors, and ALL the body that makes a debt free college degree at Christian Leaders Institute possible. My name is Angel Luis Gerena,…

Life Changing Opportunity
Debt Free College DegreesLife Changing Opportunity
My name is Naomi Wood, and Christian Leaders Institute is a life changing opportunity for me. I am from the beautiful mountains of Durango, Colorado. My age is 20 years old, and I grew up in the agriculture industry…

Debt-Free College Degree
Debt Free College DegreesDebt-Free College Degree
My name is Parick Session, and I am excited about my debt-free college degree with Christian Leaders Institute and CLI's Leadership Excellence School. I live in Gaston, South Carolina. Where I live, being a Christian…

Bachelor Degree
America (United States), Debt Free College DegreesBachelor Degree
Hello, my name is Caersha Lewis and I am working on my Bachelor Degree at Christian Leaders Institute. I’m 32 years old and from Texas. I’m surrounded by many Christian Leaders. I’m sure like many other places lots of…

Educational Journey
Debt Free College DegreesEducational Journey
My name is Amanda Stuckey and I am on an educational journey at Christian Leaders Institute. I am from Carterville, Missouri in the United States of America. I feel that being a Christian Leader where I live is a great thing…