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Study for Ordination Online at CLI
Online OrdinationI am Wally H. Marks Jr, and I plan to study for ordination online at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). I am married to a wonderful, beautiful wife named Michelle. We are both excited about the…

Ordination Classes Online at CLI
Ministry School, Online OrdinationMy professional name is Patricia Renard Scholes, but please call me Pat. My husband of over 50 years and I live in a rural community north of Durango, Colorado. We live in a national forest between the Animas River and the Durango-Silverton…

Minister Ordination Online with CLI Training
Online OrdinationMy name is Stephen Bigger. My entire life (with a few sidetracks and interruptions) has been dedicated to worshipping God in spirit and truth. This life-long pursuit has taken many twists and turns - but God is faithful! In late 2020, I started…

Benjamin Alexander for Ordination as Officiant
Ministry School, Online OrdinationTraining for Officiant Ordination
I am Benjamin Alexander, 71 years old, born and reared in the state of Texas, United States. I was married to Peggy Alexander for 41 years until her death in June of this year after an extended illness. We…

A Woman Ordained for Ministry
America (United States), Online Ordination, Ordained MinisterA Woman Ordained for Ministry
My name is Robin Hood, and I live in the United States of America. In the United States, often, ministry is not done anywhere, in schools, some buildings, and offices, God isn’t allowed. There is a lot of debate,…

Online Ordination Training – Worship Leader
Online Ordination, Ordained MinisterOnline Ordination Training
My name is Tony Wetmore. I'm a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I live in a small resort town in the mountains of Southern California, in the United States of America. Yet, within a two-hour commute from this…

Seeking Ordination For Ministry
America (United States), Online Ordination, Ordained MinisterSeeking Ordination For Ministry
Brent is seeking ordination for ministry at Christian Institutestititue. Seeking ordination at CLI means that you get your training at CLI and your local leaders sign off on your local ordination.
Who are…

Ministry School, Online OrdinationGreetings. My name is Ray Perkins.
Since giving my life to the Lord at the young age of 15, I have served in a number of entities. From working in our church’s transportation and youth ministries, to later, serving as a ministerial assistant,…

Ordained for Women’s Ministry
Online Ordination, Ordained Minister, South AfricaOrdained for Women's Ministry
Charmaine Coetzee is a woman with a purpose she is focused in and didn't let anyone or anything stop her from being ordained for women's ministry in South Africa.
"I was brought up in a Christian home, and my…

Ordained Leader
America (United States), Online Ordination, Ordained MinisterOrdained Leader
After starting Faith and God Ministry in Atlanta Georgia, Michael Vertner felt the deep desire to gain more formal education and become an ordained leader to aid him in ministry.
"I started this ministry [Faith and God Ministry]…

Pastoral Ministry Ordination – Dreams Can Come True
Online OrdinationPastoral Ministry Ordination
Kelli Elizabeth Vance from Calgary, Alberta, Canada is taking a step in her calling. Pastoral Ministry Ordination is being conferred on her through Christian Leaders Institute by her local church leaders. Pastoral…

Commissioned Pastor Diploma – Ordained for Church Planting
America (United States), Online Ordination, Ordained MinisterCommissioned Pastor Diploma
My name is Kenny Vochatzer and I am from the United States of America. I live right in the heart of America in the state of Missouri. I have been married to my beautiful wife for 15 years and have two precious daughters.…