Casting Out Demons Training

Casting Out Demons Training

Casting out demons training is not offered many places, yet this kind of training is critical. The name of Christ is stronger than demons. The word demon or demons appear over 70 times in the Bible. Demons are fallen angels who are aligned with Satan.

Christian Leaders may be asked to cast out demons.  Jesus sent out his disciples to preach the Gospel. Part of their assignment may be to cast out demons.

Matthew 10:7-10  7 As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. 9 Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts; 10 take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or a staff; for the worker is worth his keep.

Jesus gave casting out demon training with good reason. Demons affected people in Jesus’s days and still do today.

This Christian Leaders Institute student experienced the exorcism of his wife by a Spirit filled pastors. This pastor received casting out demon training that prepared him for such a time as this.

Listen to this CLI student’s story…

I was raised as a Christian, but really never knew Jesus. I lived most of my life without really knowing Jesus. I got married to a Buddhist and she had a strong connection with her spirituality. Her family used black magic to trick her into channeling spirits, who she thought were family Amakua’s, but really turned out to demons. The demons took over, and it became so bad that she was no longer eating or sleeping. We were completely desperate, with no where to turn. Then she saw the sign of the cross – formed by clouds in the sky. We immediately went to the nearest church. The local pastor called a spirit-filled pastor, we accepted Christ as our Savior and were saved by the grace & power of our Lord Jesus Christ. We went through spiritual warfare, battling demons with the Holy Spirit night and day.

This experience has completely transformed our lives and turning us into sons and daughters. We are witnesses of the power of the Holy Spirit, seeing darkness defeated and God’s love overpowering all. We know in our hearts that Jesus is real and the Holy Spirit is alive and well today.

What does Casting out Demons Training consist of?

1. Explore your call into ministry. Are you called to be sent out to proclaim the gospel as a Christian Leader?

2. Get grounded in the Word of God and Ministry Training.

3. Develop your devotions and prayer life. Christian Leaders Institute has a class just on prayer.

4. Develop your understanding of Spiritual warfare.  The CLI Ethics class studies a book on Spiritual Warfare.

5. Keep a strong connection to a local Spirit-filled body of believers.

6. Be sensitive to the giftings given to you. Some Christian Leaders have the gift of Exorcism. Get to know people who have that gift, especially if for difficult cases.

7.  Learn how to cast out demons without becoming puffed up because demons submit to you. Jesus once warned his disciples about that in Luke 10:20.

When you sense the presence of demons, pray in the name of Jesus, that they leave you, the place you at or the person or persons you are with at the time. Be careful to do this quietly if you are with others. It is not ministry people smart or loving to randomly “cast out demons” publically. Pray quietly, unless invited to do so publically.

At Christian Leaders Institute you will be given casting out demons training because you need it and Jesus has given you authority over demons.

Luke 10:18-19     He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.


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