called to share Jesus

Called to Share Jesus

Christian Leaders Institute is giving ministry training to those who are called to share Jesus in their community. Many who study at CLI are “unlikely” Christian leaders.  But one common characteristic is that God has revealed himself and that they sense that they are called to share Jesus in this world.

Graduate Wendy Pepe is one such person. Read her story and get inspired to also be called to share Jesus with others!

I am a Christian who had gone astray.  I was in desperate need of direction and a miracle. That is just what I received.  I had been in trouble with alcohol and drugs and could not find my way out.  I had two children, was enrolled in a prestigious nursing program and was able to keep everything under cover until my husband needed emergency surgery and was out of work.  I needed to stay home from school to care for him and we had no means of income.  In desperation and with no where to turn, I finally did what I should have done years ago, I turned to God.  I found myself on my knees in tears asking God to forgive me for the way I had been living my life.  He did and has since freed me from the bondage I felt so enslaved to, and has given me knew life and another chance.

That was several years ago and since then I have been experiencing the joy I remembered from my past.  God has revived me and given me a new appreciation for who He is and a better understanding of His grace.  I have also been involved in outreach and have begun a ministry in my local church for those struggling with addictions. I know that the Lord is the only answer.  My burning desire is to share with others the peace and joy that I have found in knowing Jesus Christ.  I desire to follow Him wherever He leads me and strongly feel this is His will for my life.

If you are called to share Jesus with others and you need high quality ministry training, take opportunity to gain free access to over 20 online classes.  Join Wendy and thousands of others who are also called to share Jesus with others.

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