Called to Ministry Study

Called to Ministry and Study at CLI

Hello, my name is Yolanda Cantoran, and I am called to ministry and to study at CLI. I was born in Texas and raised in Minnesota. I am a mother to one son. My husband helped me learn about Christ and His salvation.

A Challenging Beginning and Finding God

My childhood was difficult. Both my parents were alcoholics and always separating. We did not attend church, but my father was somewhat strict. I moved out at the age of 16, had my son at 17, and divorced at the age of 24. After this, I partied and did inappropriate things. However, I began looking for someone who could talk to me about God. I even bought a small Bible (without knowing how many versions there were). I prayed and asked God for help.

Then, I started dating again and met my husband. After knowing each other awhile, he told me about how he used to attend church and then stopped. He was thinking of going back. This fact made me happy. I finally found someone willing to tell me more about God. Ironically, I never thought of going to church. It never crossed my mind. When we married, he, my son, and I went to church. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior and received baptism at the age of 28. However, we went back to our old ways. It wasn’t until 2015 that I realized I was not taking my walk with God seriously.

A Discovery and God’s Peace

My Father passed away in 2015, a couple of months after I was diagnosed with an autoimmune illness. My illness left me needing a walker, a cane and, on occasion, a wheelchair. After my Father’s funeral, I became bitter and angry. I was mad at everyone, but not at God. I was just hurt by things that were said and done to me by my family.

Before my father got sick, we discovered that he was not my biological father. He told me this did not matter as he was still my father, and nothing would change that. At his funeral, I discovered that he told his other children from his first marriage, that he only had two daughters (my two younger sisters). He rejected me.

After these revelations, my family and I visited a church. The pastor prayed for me and told me that I needed to let all the hurt and anger go. It was making my illness worse and hurting me spiritually. So, I forgave those who wronged me and prayed to God to forgive me for not turning to Him first. I asked God to forgive me for not remembering that He alone was my Father. God never rejected me.

Called to Ministry and Study at CLI

Now, we are back at our home church, where we are growing spiritually as a family. My husband is on the Men’s Ministry team, something he had not done in more than 15 years. My son is interested in playing the saxophone again and might try out for the Music Ministry team.

Since I am called to ministry and to study more, I am here at Christian Leaders Institute taking free ministry classes. I thank God for the opportunity because there is no way we could afford it since I am disabled. First, I am taking classes for the Women’s Ministry. However, I will also study in other areas. I desire to share with women that there are tough times, but we can always trust God to be there for us. He is everything we need, and He loves us. All Glory to God!

Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance.

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