Called to Leadership Training

Making Spiritual Dreams a Reality

Hello to every one of you! My name is Tina Frankl, and I am a child of the Most High King! I am also called to leadership training at the Christian Leaders Institute. Living in Franklin, Indiana, I am a fifth-grade math and science teacher and a mom of two wonderfully created young men. I am beyond thrilled to be a part of the Christian Leaders Institute and their mission to offer free ministry training to those who love God, love others and desire more knowledge of His Word through professional training.

Calling to Ministry

Aren’t we all called to do something? Whether it is to preach the gospel behind a podium, travel the world as an evangelist, or be a shining example of Christ through our daily work and communication with people, we are all called. We are to love God, love others, and offer eternity in Heaven through Christ Jesus. I have always felt a “calling” to do my part. I’ve always felt that there is something bigger around the corner that God is calling me to do.

However, I’m not sure what that might be. What I do know is that I am blessed to be a part of the public school education system that has tried to shut God out. Yet, they hire men and women of faith like myself. We then go through those doors each day, where we are on the front lines of battle. We minister in our way the Gospel of Christ through our kindness, compassion, empathy, and love. They will know we are Christians by our love!

With all of that, I know that there is even more work for me to do. My life has been quite the story, much like yours, and I believe that God never wastes a hurt.

God Never Wastes a Hurt

Here is my story in a nutshell. My husband went to be with the Lord at the age of 36 after battling malignant melanoma. I was left to rear our two young boys without their father. Our oldest son was born prematurely due to complications from an amniocentesis. It resulted in a life long battle with kidney failure for him. In his 27 years on this planet, our son has been through several years on and off dialysis. He has been blessed with three kidney transplants with the newest one struggling at only 9% function. Our youngest son, at the age of 16, was diagnosed with pre-cancer cells found in a mole that looked like a simple freckle. He is currently a fifth-year student at Ball State University studying to become an elementary teacher with a minor in Spanish and Computer Science.

Some of you may be thinking, “Wow, that’s a lot. Poor girl!” Yes, I often fall victim to that mentality when things come crashing down on me all at once. However, then I realize it is a blessing to still have my two sons with me. I have a job that affords me a roof over my head, food on my table, and my bills are all paid. My oldest son has won the kidney transplant lottery three times, and my youngest son had his mole removed before it could cause harm. God BLESSED me!

Called to Leadership Training at CLI

My story is not unlike yours. We all have our struggles and hurts. It is what we do with them that matters. I know there is more God wants me to do. He has put so many desires in my heart. Several times in my adult life, people asked me to testify, write a book, lead a group, create a social media outlet, create a non-profit, and the list goes on. Crazy enough, all of those things I desire to do.

However, I am called first to leadership training to be fully equipped for the chaotic world that we are now living in. As a teacher and mother of sons with extensive medical needs, the finances are tight. Paying for education for myself is not an option. Plus, I have always felt that God’s Word and training for His work should never have a price tag. God freely gives, and so should we.

Therefore, finding the Christian Leaders Institute has been an answer to prayer as I am called to leadership training. I didn’t just stumble upon them; God led me to them. I am grateful for their hard work and dedication to the cause. I believe that as Christian Leaders Institute freely gives to the Kingdom, so should we with our time, talents, and treasures.

Spiritual Dreams

How shall I use my time, talents, and treasure, you ask? My time is mine now that I am an empty nester. Having a heart for theatre and film, I own a small performing arts theatre, produced and script supervised several independent films, and worked in Hollywood as a General Manager for the world-famous Graumann’s Theatre. Having seen Hollywood in all of its “not-so-glorious” state, I want to make a positive Christ-like impact in the entertainment world.

I love entertaining and making people laugh, helping others, giving God all the glory, and sharing my story. I pray that God will make my path clear and my opportunities plentiful. As I progress in my journey for knowledge and wisdom through my training here at CLI, I hope to retire soon from my current career.

Therefore, I look forward to embarking on a whole new adventure of loving God, loving others, and using my God-given desires and talents creatively and engagingly!

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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