Called to be a Chaplain

Answering the Call to be a Chaplain from Heaven’s Dispatch Center

Hello! My name is Joseph D’Amico, and I am from Wisconsin in the United States. I am called to be a chaplain in the fire service field. Free ministry and chaplain classes at CLI are what I need to answer this call.

I grew up Catholic, attended CFC classes to prepare for my First Communion, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation. Honestly, I hated going to these classes. As a child with ADD, it was difficult for me to have to go to classes after school once a week. All I wanted to do what play with my friends. As I grew older, I still attended these classes until I made my Confirmation.

During that time, I was struggling with Anxiety and Depression. Although I still didn’t particularly appreciate going to the classes, I found more meaning in them. I also began to open myself up more to God. It is where my relationship with Christ truly began. Up until this point, my parents told me I had to go to them. However, as a young adult making my Confirmation, I decided to give myself to Christ.


Over time, my depression and anxiety worsened. Ultimately, it led to my hospitalization on three separate occasions, all within one year. It was a trying time as I was on the brink of giving up and not trying anymore. During one of my hospitalizations, I asked my doctor for my Rosary. He agreed to allow me to have it, and I began to pray as much as I could.

At the hospital, we also had group sessions that allowed us to speak about our experiences and do activities. I tried meditation and yoga, but they resulted in an anxiety attack. The only form of meditation that kept me grounded was praying that Rosary. It was God’s way of saying, “Come with me.” To this day, I struggle with my anxiety and depression, but having the Lord as a fantastic resource has gotten me through many difficult situations.

Called to Serve as a Chaplain

Many years after, I wanted to be an avenue of spiritual and emotional healing to my brothers and sister in the fire service by becoming a Chaplain. I served on a fire department previously for five and a half years. To this day, I can clearly remember some of the calls I answered. The mental and emotional stress of the job can take a significant toll on those called to respond in these situations. While I was not subject to a significant incident that left a long-lasting negative impression on me, there are many of my brothers and sister that have been. Many of them, which I know personally, have either sought help and were able to manage their struggles, or some have given in to theirs, ultimately taking their lives.

It is my goal and my passion to help those who are struggling to find the light to overcome and to show them their real strength found in Christ. The Christian Leaders Institute is the only place where I can take the courses needed to serve in that capacity comfortably. While I have only gone through a few introductory courses, I already feel that CLI is the perfect ministry school to train and educate me on effective ministry properly.

I am excited to be a student at CLI! I cannot wait to see what opportunities my CLI training will bring for me as I serve the Lord and people! God Bless!

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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