Called Christian Leader Journey

Called Christian Leader Journey

My name is Joshua Sinanan and I am on a called Christian leader journey. I’m enjoying my 24th year of marriage to my amazing wife Stephanie. We have three adult children and live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Early Life and Conversion
My Parents immigrated to Canada and got married in Calgary in 1969. They eventually decided to forego Pre-med and attend Bible School when I was three years old (1973) at Jubilee Bible College in Vancouver, BC. My younger brother and I both accepted Jesus during that time and eventually became Missionary/Pastor kids. We were constantly around the Bible College and knew nothing different outside of a Bible School life. Our family received greatly reduced tuition by living at and taking care of Crescent Heights Bible Camp (now a Salvation Army Retreat Center).

At the age of 6, we moved to Trinidad and Tobago (where my parents were originally from) and spent 2.5 years as non-sponsored missionaries to a rural community (Princess Town). In a mainly Muslim, Hindu and Catholic area, my parent’s Sunday School Program had over 200 kids and the Tuesday night Bible study had up to 55 regulars by the time we left. Before we went back to Canada, the work was merged with an Open Bible Church in town as we would not be returning for some time. We were asked to return to Canada to be recognized as Full Gospel Missionaries (ACOP of Canada). We spent a couple years raising support throughout Western Canada.

We returned to North Trinidad in 1981 (Arima; I was 11). We spent the next six years there. There was amazing fruit and God was changing the lives of families beyond our imaginations. The work continues to this day and my parents have moved on to other endeavors in their retirement.

I went through the normal teen challenges on my called Christian leader journey. But struggled with being in two opposite cultures where I was always a minority by either race and/or accent. To assimilate, I became a rapper (’84) and picked up a little guitar. Though I strayed many times in compromise, I would always return to my faith and relationship with Jesus. Thank God for Grace and restoration.

My darkest times were when I returned to Canada as a 17-year-old from a Caribbean culture. There was a multitude of terrible character flaws and poor judgments on my part. Looking back, I now realize I was a slow learner myself with respect to maturity and assimilation to culture. I thank God for his forgiveness and He graciously pulled me out of the miry clay. The least I can do is give all I have on my called Christian leader journey. Grace is amazing!

Call to ministry
With my passion for the spoken word, worship leading, attention to teaching, communication and coaching/training others on achieving their goals, I understand that I’ve been called to leadership development in others. On my called Christian leader journey, I was honored to be the Youth Pastor for Uchurch (University campus-based church) for 10 years (volunteer position) until December 2017.

At that time, my wife expressed that she wanted to shift to a church that had an ESL ministry (English as a second language) and asked if I was willing to step out of youth ministry for that.
It was a no-brainer to let her research and team with something she was passionate about.
I presently host a Tuesday night Bible study where marketplace ministry training is the focus. Also, I lead a Saturday afternoon Bible study for apologetics and life application. I am also playing bass from time to time for worship. Living and breathing a Spirit-filled and focused life has been a great joy and always energizing when we see “these signs that follow them that believe.”

Intended Ministry Path
As I let God’s Word be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, I’m content to let him reveal the next steps and not necessarily the big picture. Many folks want to know everything that will happen in the future, but I believe that most of us may not be able to handle the full picture. In a sense, I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up…and I’m good with allowing God’s plans for me to remain plan A. Should I have missed a turn, I know his GPS will recalculate. His Plan B through Z is always better than my plan A.

I am content to take on this educational challenge while still working as an electrical engineering technologist (Distributor for Industrial GE Products). And yet our mighty band of Bible study guys and gals are honing our boldness and approach to do healing ministry or to share the gospel as the opportunity presents. God is moving and training and grabbing our attention.

On my called Christian leader journey, I hope to facilitate and support an effective group of missionaries, evangelists, teachers, disciple makers, and business leaders all coming out of the seeds we’ve been planting and watering. God is faithful and I wish to maintain the attitude of leaving the 99 to find the 1 if this is what it takes. His word does not return void and his harvest is 30, 60, 100 fold. I’m honored to be a small part of that.

CLI – Leaders We Can Run With!
Youth music/speaking, church speaking, seminars, worship and sports outreach are all other areas I feel drawn to. So I am open to the direction of the Holy Spirit who has led me to Christian Leaders Institute on my called Christian Leader Journey. I am very grateful for the opportunity to apply myself in my spare time and look for ways to help others do the same with CLI. My association with the people involved is what has sealed the decision to press through this new and passionate challenge. The wisdom of the opening course and the association with world-class leaders in business and education is pure gold and can never truly be evaluated by economics or status. Thank you, Jesus, for the vision and care of this amazing institute!

Learn about minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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