Call to Ministry and Ordination

My Call to Ministry and Ordination

My name is Edward H. Jones, and I am from Louisburg, North Carolina, in the United States. I have a call to ministry and ordination by God. I remember it as if it were yesterday the day God called me into ministry to preach His Word. Now, I am excited to receive a free ministry education at Christian Leaders Institute (CLI).

I grew up attending church. At an early age while at a program held at a local church, I found salvation in Christ. While praying one day in my room at home, something I did quite often, a still small voice spoke to me saying, “Go, and preach my word to the people.” My heart filled with joy and I answered God’s call. For a time while in my teens, I preached as well as singing in churches and local prayer meetings.

Wandering and Return to My Call to Ministry and Ordination 

However, I began to seek out other things and follow after my own desires. It led me away from the fold and away from my calling. Despite all of this wandering, God watched over me and kept me safe and protected. At the same time, He was dealing with my heart. The Bible says to train a child up in the way he should go and though he might stray away he will return.

After years of running away from what God wanted me to do, the Lord finally got my attention. I rededicated my life to him. Then, I once again began feeling that tug at my heart from the Lord to enter into the ministry. After many a sleepless night and wrestling with myself, I said yes to God.

Ever since that day, the Lord has opened up doors for me. In October of 2019, I became the chaplain for the Franklin County Firefighters Association. This chaplaincy allows me to minister to my fellow firemen. God also opened doors for me to once again preach his word from the pulpit. Furthermore, I was ordained as a minister through the National Association of Christian Ministers. I thank God for this special calling he has placed upon me.

Education at CLI in Answer to My Call to Ministry and Ordination 

I’ve always known that I have a purpose and that God had a plan for me. My Grandfather, a devout Christian man, died when I was only three years old. However, before he passed, he told my family that God showed him in a dream me preaching in the pulpit.

I thank God for all He has done for me and all that He is going to do. I’m also thankful for this amazing opportunity to get better educated at the Christian Leaders Institute. And also to be ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

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