Broken and Divorced Now Doing Ministry Training

Broken and Divorced Now Doing Ministry Training

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my story. My name is Michael Hucal III and I am from the United States of America. My walk with Christ, much like many people, is one of many ups and downs. I was fortunate enough to be raised in a Christian home and gave my life to Christ at the age of 12.

I do not think at that time I realized what I was doing or what would happen as a result. Many years later in my adult life I got baptized of my own free will in a lake at a church I was attending. I remember the day as if it were yesterday. It was 68 degrees that morning the water was ice cold. I waded out off of the shore to the pastors who were waiting for me. I remember going under the water and when I came back up there was a warmth about me I could not explain. Steam was rolling off my body and it was the first time I think I grasped what it meant to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

The journey that would follow would be one of many many trials. My wife took another job, leaving a six-figure income behind to work for a non-for-profit. I was crushed because it meant the dream job of running my own photography business would have to come to an end. I sat in the middle of an empty studio with tears running down my face and asked God to show me something I could love as much as I loved that place. The fact I said that to Him showed my level of spiritual immaturity. I later realized I had created an idol before him. But, God in all His grace, allowed me to land a part-time job working for the very church I was baptized in. Not only did He orchestrate that, but I also landed in the care ministry department working with some of the most broken people I had ever known. I worked with those going through divorces. I worked with those coming off of drug problems, and even some still struggling. I worked with grieving families after the loss of loved ones, and I learned how to be a servant. That road and that small journey changed my life. I was on fire to become a pastor. I wanted to continue that education and do something with it. I began to preach at local men’s shelters. My family and I helped feed the poor during various holidays. I was on the path to fulfilling a dream I did not even know I had.

There were many events that took place over the next few years. Unfortunately, I did not have the proper support network and my passion to go into full-time ministry was fading. I had failed to realize at that point that it was not my job to do it on my own, or in my own timing, it was God’s job to fulfill on His timing. The enemy attacked harder and harder and I missed all the signs that my marriage was falling apart. When my life at home became unbearable, I walked out of my marriage. I could not reach out for help due to the shame I was feeling.

After that was all done I heard the still small dark voice telling me I would never be in ministry again. If that were not bad enough, the new church I was serving at revoked my ordination and did everything they could to tell others of my decision to end my marriage. I went through a very dark time in my life and the next three years were the hardest I had ever done.

In a desperation prayer for God to just remove me from this world I heard a small voice say “No, even in this, I can use you” I only could get two words out through my tears and I said “Show me” There has been a long journey of healing and restoration. I have seen what it looks like to be among the broken, and I have felt what it feels like to need a savior when all felt lost. My passion is very direct this time around and despite everyone telling me I will never be a pastor at my age, I push forward. I do so this time with mentors, proper training, and the understanding of what God has called all of us to do. I push forward with my journey because I, of all people, know what it feels like to receive grace and get a fresh new start, and an eternal blessing. We serve an amazing God and despite where you find yourself, He is right there with arms wide open waiting for you to say “show me” Trust me, I know.

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