Born Again

To have eternal life, you must be saved and born again. CLI graduate Charles Chukwudi Philip was born again through God’s grace and has a ministry calling.

Hello everyone, blessings of the Lord to you all. My name is Charles Chukwudi Philip; I come from Nigeria. I was born in a Catholic family of six children, and I happen to be the third child. In my junior secondary school days, I lived with a Catholic priest and had wanted to become a priest. That changed after some time due to circumstances regarding my family welfare. Anyways, I migrated to Europe as an asylum seeker (refuge) to search for greener pasture. The thought and dream of becoming a servant of God in the ministry were totally out of the way as I lived in the world enjoying sin to its fullest.

God used the birth of Charles’s baby for Charles himself to be born again in Christ.

The Lord called me back again when the woman I met became pregnant; it happened that as the time for her to give birth to the child came there were complications. I began to pray and God, being a merciful God, heard me. The baby came out alive but with complications and needed to be in infants intensive care unit. After some hours of her birth, I was told to go to the infants unit if I would like to see my daughter. So I went to the infants intensive unit, and as I got in there, that was when my life changed and took another dimension. I saw infants lying down in a designed bed like incubators plugged into one machine or the other, and I saw my child too. I was speechless, and tears rolled down my cheeks and immediately God spoke, ‘healing ministry’. I came out of the hospital pondering what that voice may be and how to go about it. Afterwards, I gave my life to Jesus even before my child and her mum were discharged from the hospital.

Even though Charles is born again and has a new life in Christ, Satan still tries his tricks to cause Charles to be unfaithful, but God stays faithful.

Satan never gives up; he fought me with every weapon he can muster to stop me from heeding God’s voice that I’ve heard. It has been a rough, tough and painful walk, but the Lord has remained faithful, regardless of my weaknesses, missteps and mistakes. A lot of water has passed under the bridge, but to summarise it, my desire is to have an intensive study of the word of God. The training required was something I could not think of because my income could only take care of my family’s immediate needs.

Being born again, Charles starts to study the word.

I gave myself into studying the word with the help of the Holy Spirt, as well as listening to other preachers preach, which has been of a tremendous help. I am grateful for that. While I was searching the internet for a way out, I came across CLI, and I was overjoyed that at last I could have the opportunity to have a formal study of the word. It would equip me with the insight, wisdom and knowledge I needed to unleash that which the Lord has placed on my heart for His children.

CLI is allowing Charles to be able to have the wisdom and ability to move forward in his calling and his new life.

I believe that CLI will help me to become the leader the Lord would want me to be. It will help me to make a great ministry that will revive, win and bring healing to the people of God, of all ages, nations and race. I am grateful for this opportunity and I pray that God will continue to bless CLI for what they are doing in training leaders who will win the world back to God.

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