A person can be in bondage to many different things, only God can totally set a person free from bondage. Nandi Fekisi has experienced going from bondage to evangelism through God’s saving grace. “My name is Nandi Fekisi from South Africa. I grew up in a home of occasional church goers that also did ancestral worship. This practice is like a custom or culture to most of the people in the country.”

Nandi didn’t see ancestral worshipping as a bondage until she saw the effects that bondage had in her life. “I then met my husband who later became a born-again Christian. He taught me about the effects of ancestral worshiping in people’s lives. Through tough experiences in my life, I realized the bondage I was in, and three years ago I gave my life to Jesus.”

Nandi has been freed from bondage and now is a Christian leader who has started a local ministry. “We now have a small ministry of evangelism. We go to the schools, hospitals, and remote areas to preach the word of God. We also help poor people in our area with food, clothes and school uniforms.”

Nandi is thankful to the opportunity CLI is giving to her. “The scholarship from CLI is going to help me to further my knowledge and understanding of God. Thank you, and God bless you!” CLI hopes to continue to raise up more ministry leaders like Nandi, who have gone from bondage to an evangelist.

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