Biblical Training Online

My name is Wayne C. Anderson, and I am receiving Biblical training free online at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). I want to be grounded in sound doctrine and Biblical teaching.

My Start in the Lord and My Wandering

I was born in 1960 in Oakland, California, USA. I have 9 siblings, and I am the youngest of them all. My father passed away when I was 7 years old. My mother proudly raised us in the Lord, and she went be with Him in 2001. I thank God for having a mother with a heart to bring us up in the Lord. Because she did, my life is full of His favor. I grew up in the Lord but left the Lord when I was 19. Living a life of total sin, I got into the street life, trafficking drugs, and dangerous situations with the law.

Saved by Grace and Called to Preach

After close calls with drive-by shootings, stabbings, drug deals close to going bad, and bad drug use experience, the Lord touched my heart. God called me back to Him. After attending church for a few years, God called me to preach His Word. It was a life-changing call and also an honor and privilege to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have had many ups and downs on this amazing journey, but I would do it all again. I have experienced the monster called divorce, and I have three amazing children that are the joy of my life. In 2016, the church I attend, Oakland Bible Church, asked me to be their pastor. It overwhelmed my heart. I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for opening the doors for me to such a sacred position for him.

Biblical Training Online at CLI

I am studying at the Christian Leaders Institute to become a more doctrinally based man of God. God bless CLI and the staff for their passion for having this life-changing educational organization that teaches and trains the children of God.



Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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