Biblical Ordination Training at CLI

Hello, my name is Amber Bowers. I grew up mostly in Indiana with a few years in Michigan. The youngest of two children raised in a Christ-loving family, I don’t remember a time when God was not a part of my life. God and I have been through many things together. I have let Him down many times in word or deed, but He never lets me go! Recently, I sought biblical ordination training online and found the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible courses, Click Here).

My Marriage

I didn’t stray far from the path in my teens but had my share of trials and temptations. I knew God loved me, but my actions didn’t always show my love for Him. Then, I met my husband, David, in 1991. I was a senior in high school. He was 4 years older than me. We tumultuously dated for 3 years. We were married in 1994 and had our first child a year later.

Married life was a struggle for many years. We both came with baggage that needed unpacking. For many years, we struggled. Finally, we sought God and worked intentionally toward sorting out our baggage together. It was a tough time for not only us but our four children as well. However, God’s promises to heal our family if we kept close to Him were true! Nearly 27 years together, and we are very happily married. We have turned a 180 in our relationship. We also have good relationships with all the children, which is an answer to prayer.

My Work and Church

I have worked as a substitute teacher, as a PreK teacher, and as a private tutor. Once my youngest child headed off to school, I returned full-time to the workforce. I recently worked as a Program Director for a nonprofit early learning center in the northern part of Indiana for 7.5 years. Unfortunately, due to COVID, my center location shut down, and I am now searching for where I will go next.

My family and I attend Granger Community Church at the Granger Campus. We have attended GCC for nearly 18 years. We have served within the church on and off for those years, taking rest when needed. My husband serves on the worship team, and I serve on the small group leadership team.

My husband, David, is an amazing man of God and works for Utilimaster as a Product Support Technician. Married for nearly 27 years, we have four children ranging in age from 25 to 12.

Further Education and Biblical Ordination

I am currently finishing a Master’s in Educational Leadership and will graduate in August 2021. I wanted to get ordained to officiate weddings, but I wanted my ordination to be built on a foundation of Biblical principles. So, I started googling “ordination” and found the Christian Leaders Institute. I know God led me here.

I have now started feeling a nudge further into the ministry. Although I am not completely clear on my path, I know God is leading me.