Biblical Ministry Schooling
The Most Unlikely! Answering His Call!
Hello, my name is Tina Louise Williams. I live in Southern California, about an hour outside Los Angeles. I am the wife of my loving husband, a mom of five beautiful children, and a grandmother of six grandchildren. Furthermore, the biblical ministry schooling I am receiving from the Christian Leaders Institute is equipping me to answer God’s calling. Our spiritual awakening and walk came to us as a family six years ago.
My Childhood
I grew up in a home that made no mention of God in it. I am the second of four children. We grew up in Los Angeles, moved often, and attended several different schools. My dad and mom were products of their upbringings, which ultimately led them to be unfulfilled with things of this world. Those worldly things made our childhood one that was undesirable. At a very young age, I went in the same direction as my parents. Which eventually led me to where I am today.
The Moment Jesus Saved Me
My husband and I married one year after we met. I brought two beautiful children into the marriage, and later, we added three more babies to our family. Our marriage not starting well was a consequence of not knowing the Lord. Things lept from bad to worse.
However, when our youngest daughter was nine, she attended an after-school program called the Good News Club. After three weeks of following this club, she came home and told me I needed to find a church for our family. She was highly persistent for the following weeks, asking if we had a church to attend yet. I continued to tell her I was looking.
One day, God asked me, “How often will you tell her you are seeking me when you know you are not?” At that moment, I started finding a church for our family. One day, while driving down a street, God asked me, “How much more do I have to show you?” Therefore, I turned into a parking lot at a church. Our children and I started attending church the next day, while my husband followed a few months later. We were all saved and baptized as a family! God used our nine-year-old baby girl to rescue our family ultimately.
Preparation For His Call
Since being saved, God has used me in many ways in the church body. From church janitorial work, working with children, security, and women’s ministry to greeting, I was joyful in every moment. God will not call us without first preparing us. All of this was preparation for what was to come. Four years ago, I was attending a women’s retreat. It is where God called me to where I am today.
However, I heard and wasn’t obedient at first. Four years later, God brought me to another ministry where I serve women at a women’s walk to Emmaus. At the same time, guiding me to fulfill His calling, God sent so much confirmation for me. His assurances led me to the Christian Leaders Institute to start my biblical ministry schooling for what He has next.
Answering His Call with Biblical Ministry Schooling at CLI
I could no longer run from God’s calling. The Christian Leaders Institute is an answer to my prayers. I work a full-time job while caring for our children and home. CLI makes it easy to continue our daily lives and fit classes into my schedule. I am forever grateful to those who poured into CLI so people can answer their call to ministry at little to no cost.
Excited for the unknown, I don’t know where God will take me next. However, answering His calling is vital. I pray that my understanding of God’s Word surges in my life. With a humble heart, I seek to obey God’s call. I fear not being used as a vessel for the kingdom of God to bring him glory, praise, and honor more than the uncertainty of being used as a vessel for his kingdom.
Register a Study Account
Register for a free study account, automatically enrolling you in the Getting Started Class at the Christian Leaders Learning Platform. The Getting Started class will take you less than an hour to complete.
When you log in to the Learning Platform, you will notice that the Getting Started Class automatically appears on your dashboard.
The Getting Started Class will orientate you to the Christian Leaders Learning Platform and the Programs offered, including:
- Ministry Awards, Certificates, Diplomas, and Degrees with the Christian Leaders Institute.
- Minister Credentialling (Ordination) with the Christian Leaders Alliance, including local Soul Center registration possibilities.
Note: You can enroll in tuition-free courses or mini-courses immediately without finishing the getting started class.
Find out more about women in ministry here.