Biblical Continuing Education

Biblical Continuing Education for a Christ-centered Counselor

Greetings. I’m Cyndy Adeniyi, wife, mother, licensed professional counselor, author, and, most importantly, a follower of Jesus Christ. Biblical continuing education at CLI is a blessing for me. I live and serve Jesus Christ south of Atlanta, Georgia. My family and I worship at First Baptist Church of Jonesboro.

Baptism and Growing in Christ

I was brought up in a Christian home and was baptized at a young age. I knew that I loved God and that Jesus died for my sins. However, at that age, I also believed that when you got baptized, Jesus washed your sins away, and you would never sin again. I thought I would be perfect, like my parents. As you can imagine, I quickly realized my baptism “didn’t work” the way I thought it would. I spent the next few years continually repenting of sins known and unknown, fearing that I might die with one unconfessed thought or deed and pay an eternal price for it.

I was nearing adolescence when I began to understand the Gospel. In high school, God sent a friend into my life. He demonstrated through his own life that Jesus needed to be more than my Savior; He also needed to be my Lord. This time is when I began to see my life change. I now had a hungering for the Word and a hungering for Truth.

Learning More

In college, I continued to pursue God. I wanted to know Him for myself and to be able to explain why I believed what I believed. I wanted to know that my faith was indeed authentic and not a mere reflection of my parents’ faith.

This desire led to much study and exploration of various denominations and worship experiences. This exploration culminated in attending Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary for an MA in Counseling Ministry. Then, several years later, I attended Amridge University for a DMin in Family Therapy. My dissertation focused on trauma and the ability of those who have experienced child sexual abuse to have healthy spiritual lives later.

Biblical Continuing Education at CLI

It’s been several years since I graduated last, and I miss formal education. So, I’m here at Christian Leaders Institute to give some structure to my efforts to know and live God’s truth. Counseling is hard work, and I want to be able to do it well. That means taking Biblical continuing education classes at CLI.

God is leading me to work with women who are struggling with emotional and relationship problems. After five years of building a private practice (Out of the Woods LLC), I have opportunities to move beyond one on one counseling and reach more of my sisters in Christ through the power of the web. I also have a passion for outdoor ministry, and I am always open to opportunities to combine counseling and the enjoyment of God’s creation.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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