Bible Training for Ministry

Free Bible Training for Ministry at CLI

Greetings with grace and love from our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Adrian K. Lynch, and I dwell in Fort Worth, Texas. My wife Amanda Lynch, and I own a beautiful historic home in the Southside district. I have three beautiful children, two dogs, two cats, and a small olive tree. Currently, I am receiving free Bible training for ministry at the Christian Leaders Institute.

I was born in the Town of Hempstead, New York. However, I spent most of my childhood growing up in Brooklyn, Bronx, Norwich, and Cooperstown, NY. I identify as a nondenominational disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, who studies to show himself approved before God. I take the promises, covenants, guidance, lessons, reflections, and testimony of the Bible literally. Also, I bear witness by the Spirit of Truth in me that the Bible is the Word of God.

Family History and Conversion

My family immigrated to Brooklyn, NY, from Trinidad and Tobago in the early eighties. They brought with them a fierce spiritual Baptist background, strong work ethic, and divinely inspired food dishes that delighted my soul growing up. Not only did they come here, but so did some of their bishops and other ministers from the motherland church.

My family also has members of various faiths, such as Hinduism and Islam. I can remember scenes growing up where two of my brothers would argue fiercely over the validity and authority of the Bible and the Quran. For an 8-year-old, all their words were extraordinarily confusing and aggressive. In retrospect, their words served more to alienate me from the whole thought of God.

My most significant influence of faith as a child was my Aunty Vera, whose devotion in life was to the Lord. She was a seamstress, evangelical, deacon, and full of immense joy from the Lord. I often read the Psalms to our congregation of over 30 people. I was nervous, but when getting on the platform, I felt abnormally relaxed. The elders were always calling my readings, “Holy Spirit-filled.” I often read from Psalms 23, 29, 36, 119, 89, and more. Aunty Vera often spoke in high hopes of one day the Lord delivering me to minister His word.

My Rebellion and My Salvation

As my teenage years settled in, it would seem the hope of Aunty Vera vanished. She went to sleep with the Lord, and my direction in life took a crooked turn. I became obsessed with the criminal lifestyle. I wanted the power, fame, and respect that most of my siblings commanded living that lifestyle. Especially my Muslim brother, who was a professing member of the Bloods. I would blindly follow him everywhere. When God delivered me from this glorification of men, I saw an issue in my life that only He could solve. I picked up my Bible again and my path to restoration in the name of Jesus began.

I had walked the way of the wicked. What the Bible says about that path is all true. Not one word lies about the expectation of wrath (Hebrews 10:25). Now, my ultimate end is to glorify God, His Son, His Holy Spirit, in all the things I do. I use God’s gifts to gather men for His glory alone. I am to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in and out of season.

Bible Training for Ministry at CLI

I write poetry that edifies the church with great encouragement and knowledge of the character of God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Currently, I am receiving Bible training for ministry at Christian Leaders Institute because I seek to carry out the Lord’s will for me through approved elders. Though I find my private study wholesome, the Lord has shown me the power and spiritual value of learning scripture through seasoned individuals.

My soul hungers to minister, and I thank the Lord that He blesses me with life and breath each day. I am a step closer to the fullness of my life for Him. I praise the Lord for the gracious finished work of His son Jesus Christ on the cross where He took away the sins of the world. All who believe in Him shall inherit eternal life. Amen!

Learn about low-cost degrees at CLI’s Leadership Excellence School. Learn about ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

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