Bible School in Jamaica

Bible School in Jamaica

Bible School in Jamaica – Could a CLI Student from Jamaica change the world for Christ? Because of the Internet, Christian Leaders Institute can open a Bible School in Jamaica where even the poor can receive excellent ministry training.  The unique aspect of this Bible School in Jamaica is that the entire school is beamed into the relationship between the student and his mentor.

How does this free Bible School in Jamaica work?

The process starts with a called student. Meet Kimaro Smith. His story moves me to raise more resources so that Christian Leaders Institute remains FREE of charge to even the poorest of the world.

Kimaro Smith is a young man from a crime ridden poor area of the world. Can anything good come out of Clarendon, Jamaica?

The US State Department talks about Jamaica this way: “While the vast majority of crimes occur in impoverished areas, random acts of violence, such as gunfire, may occur anywhere.”

Living on the beautiful Island of Jamaica can be difficult. Drug related crime is pervasive. Sexual assault cases are common. Violent crime is very high. Some parts of Jamaica are very dangerous.

Most Jamaicans are poor, but hardship stalks rural Jamaica. According to the Gleaner, those living in rural Jamaica are twice as likely to live in poverty than those in the Jamaican cities.

Kimaro Smith, from rural Jamaica senses the call to bring revival everywhere. Because of online ministry training from Christian Leaders Institute, there is now a Bible School in Jamaica and specifically in Clarendon.

Kimaro prayed, “Here I am, here I stand, Lord, my life is in your Hands.”

Kimaro tells his story:  “As a young Jamaican growing up within the rural area of Clarendon, my mother was ‘heaven-bent’ on ensuring my growth in the church by sending me to Sunday School (even though, she wasn’t a Christian).”

By the time Kimaro was thirteen, he was becoming cynical of church and God. But something dramatic was about to happen. Revival for Kimaro came. He attended one more church service and ”the Holy Spirit swept my heart and spirit into the loving arms of the Lord. I decided at the age of 14 years to take a ‘WALK-With-GOD’.”

“Matthew 9:37-38 – Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.’ I believe and trust that I’m a worker who has been ‘called’ into His harvest as an evangelist, to rescue and steer the lost sheep from slaughter to the green pastures of the Almighty and already that mission has begun with my own family and others.

It’s my dream and duty to travel the globe declaring the Gospel and empowering the saints.

It is therefore significantly necessary for the development of myself and my ministry that I am equipped with the knowledge and training of the scriptures as taught by the Christian Leaders Institute and as stated in 2 Timothy 2:15 – ‘Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'”

Kimaro has boldly made this statement: “I have taken on the responsibilities, as a man of God, to see to it that the Word of God as declared by the Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples is spread to the ‘four corners’ of the world, and the teaching at Christian Leaders Institute would be a push towards such a calling by a young man from rural Jamaica.”

Help me in my struggle to keep ministry training free so that young people from a poor place can be prepared to bring revival to the nations.

Bible School in Jamaica Mentor

Kimaro Smith’s mentor is the Bishop Trevor Williams who supports his young “Timothy.” He wrote me and said, “I happen to be his pastor and I am only too willing to make the facilities of my church available to him and others who are so inclined to pursue Theological studies with your institution.”  Thanks to Bishop Williams for his help to aid this Bible school in Jamaica.

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