Bible School Education Opportunity

Bible School Education Opportunity

My name is Caz Livingstone and I am excited to have this Bible School education opportunity with CLI. I am originally from Rhodesia, which is now called Zimbabwe. I currently live in South Africa.


Billy Graham visited our country, Rhodesia, when I was just 8 years old! He held a campaign near our village, and all the villages around for miles attended the event. My entire family was saved that day! Things completely changed at home and our walk with Jesus began in earnest.

I will never forget the Billy Graham event as long as I live. I never heard of Heaven or Hell before, and I knew I definitely did not want to go to Hell. I had never heard of Jesus in quite the way Billy Graham told us about Him. Even more incredulously, we witnessed many miracles which made a huge impression on me as a child. I think I walked about wide-eyed for about a month after that, thinking about them!


Unfortunately, due to the civil war and other family issues, I had to leave school at the age of 14 and start working to support my family. Despite my lack of education, God gave me the ability to learn anything, and at the age of 21 I completed an international correspondence course and graduated with the highest grade available in the course, in the subject of accounting.

I have since done many courses on a wide variety of topics. I also self-taught myself many skills to the point where I am simply not afraid of learning new topics or new skills. I love the challenges and have the confidence I can learn anything.

Learning, the actual process of reading, exploring, finding out new things and figuring out how to do new things, mastering them to the point where there is nothing further to learn about them – is one of the things I just love to do. Completing tests are not that important to me, they are just the little cherry on the top of the mountain of delicious ice-cream!

This learning hunger and ability still amazes me to this day, and I can only agree that it is the Holy Spirit who gives me this love for learning and the ability to learn. Think about it – nobody who leaves school at age 14 and never returns should be able to learn the way I have. It is a gift from God!

I have never really known what God wished me to do in life, so I simply continued living my life as I was led. I met and fell in love with my husband almost 30 years ago, and we are as in love with each other as the day we first met. We are both business people who love God with everything we have.


In the last five years, we have grown in our relationship with Our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in leaps and bounds. It was an accelerated growth that included impossible miracles that astound me every time I think of them. For example, I have been instantly healed of two chronic diseases, one of which I was told was a virus that altered my genetical make-up, and that there was no known cure! The healing was instant, and so quiet, that only the next day did I notice I was fully healed. My husband was also healed of a hernia that needed an operation. The operation never happened!


We have also experienced abundance in many areas from God. For example, we have had people bring food when we had nothing, due to a food seed we planted. And we have had finances poured out on us due to financial seeds and Gods favor when we least expected them. We have had legal charges dropped, and prosecutors become our advocates. These are just a few of God’s gracious provision for us over the years, all due to God our Father’s Love and Favor!


About three years ago, I decided I wanted to study God’s Word more seriously and officially. I started hunting online for a Bible school education opportunity that was Holy Spirit guided. I enrolled in two different online schools, and with each, I was just not satisfied I was going to be able to continue. They both felt cold and distant. I gave up and thought I should just study the Bible on my own and let the Holy Spirit be my only teacher. And then one day out of the blue, our Pastor recommended Christian Leaders Institute. It was like a light went on in my heart, and I knew I had to go check out this Bible school education opportunity!

Once I started the first course and spent time reading about and listening to CLI’s philosophy and beliefs, I knew I had found the right place. I’m extremely excited about CLI, and can’t wait to spend time exploring new concepts and idea’s, learning new things about God’s Word. I’m also very impressed with the scholarship system and trust that God will make a way for me to be a contributing partner very soon.


In the few weeks, I have been with CLI, I have felt welcomed and have noticed their extremely fast responses via their online support page. I have also enjoyed reading comments of other students and mentors on their network site. And the video teachings are just amazing, portraying the people behind CLI.

You won’t be disappointed with CLI if you are seriously seeking God, looking for a structured, progressive, ordered, yet loving institution to learn with. Don’t miss this wonderful Bible school education opportunity! Don’t waste your time on cold online institutions that don’t even seem to have anyone on the other end.

May the peace of God our Father be with you and your family in abundance, and may His Blessings pour out onto you and your family in every area of your life, starting right now. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Learn about minister ordinations with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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