Bible School Christian Training

Bible School Christian Training

Bible School Christian Training – My name is June Marie Bassett. I live in the US. I grew up in a home where I was physically, sexually and emotionally abused. I was introduced to drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes at age 14. I was raped twice at age 15. I became very promiscuous. I used these vices as means to avoid my pain. My parents divorced when I was 18. My dad left my mom for another woman. I went to the bars 6 nights a week to get drunk and high, etc. I got a drunk driving in 1986, resulting in my having my license suspended. I still went out to the bars. I tried to just have a drink or two, but by the end of the night, I was drunk. I realized I had a problem and began counseling. I eventually admitted I was an alcoholic and attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. In January 1987, I was getting high with my boyfriend and his brother. A voice said to me, “You will never quit until you learn to say ‘no’.” The next time it was my turn to snort I said, “no” and never touched it again. I had drank and used for 10 years. I didn’t know anything else.

In August 1989, I got a traffic ticket and went to traffic school.

The traffic school teacher was a Christian. He said, “Sometimes people reach a place in their lives where they want to change, but don’t know how.”

I went up to him at the break and said, “That’s me!”

He said to stay after class and we could talk.

The first question he asked me after class was, “Where is your relationship with God?”

A few months before that, I had been listening to a radio station I did not know was a Christian station. They talked about some things that spoke to me and I wrote them a letter, telling them my life story. They sent me back a letter, and the very first sentence in that letter said, “Where is your relationship with God?” I was not ready for God, had no desire for God, so I crumpled up the letter and threw it away. But, when this traffic school teacher asked me the very same question, I knew enough to listen and to realize God was speaking to me.

The teacher asked me if I wanted to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I said, “Yes!”

I have pursued God and a relationship with Him ever since.

The one word that I feel describes me right now is: Pastor. I am a ‘shepherd’, caring for people, and wanting to make a difference in the lives of people. There was not a key experience in my life that caused me to pursue ministry. But, the abuse I suffered has given me a heart for other women who have gone through abuse. I desire to be a safe place for other women to find healing in their lives.

I live in Utah, a predominantly Mormon culture. It is difficult to be a Christian here. Mormons have looked down on Christians in the past, and now they attempt to say they are Christians. It is tough to explain to them they do not believe the same things, or in the same God, we do as Christians. It is difficult to speak into their lives in a way that they will listen and not get defensive.

My local church has supported me in ministry by allowing me to be part of the Leadership Team and the Worship Team, and by allowing my husband and me to host a Small Group. My desire is to minister to women who have been abused and to assist them in finding healing, as God has healed me in my life.

My husband is my largest supporter and encourager. He believes in me and what God has called me to do. As well, he believes in the story I have to share that can be a source of support and encouragement to other women.

Bible School Christian Training – Scholarship

A scholarship at CLI is important to me so that I can pursue the calling I feel God has placed on my life, without incurring debt. But, I also believe I am receiving a Biblically based education.

Please pray for guidance and direction as to how to get my ministry up and going once I receive my education, with CLI.

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