Bible Education Opportunity

Bible Education Opportunity

My name is Jennie Ball and I am following a Bible education opportunity at CLI. I live in the USA. My story is nothing radical or earth-shaking, it is just simply from my heart. I was born an identical twin and we were raised by our grandmother until she passed away when we were 14 years old. We always had a knowledge of God because our grandmother sent us to church often. After her passing, we lived with our birth dad. Although our family was not Christian, my sister and I continued on with church. We were baptized at the age of 14 just before our grandmother passed away at Easter time. Life wasn’t all that difficult but it could have been a whole lot better, but we got through it and eventually, my sister went to the military and married and lives happily ever after.

I, on the other hand, got married but not to such a great guy. He was abusive emotionally and physically at times. But, we had two awesome kids and while they were still young we moved out of my husband’s house. He remained in our lives for what I thought was best for my children, whether it was or not is still debatable. He was older and eventually passed away. I was almost 48 at the time, and after such a horrible marriage of almost 28 years, I had no intention of remarrying. Then when my sister moved back near me, we started to go back to church and were saved and baptized. We now live as Christians. I am taking these classes at Christian Leaders Institute to be a better person and to help my walk with God. I pray often for these classes and although I have no known actual plans, I know God does.

Since my first husband had passed and I had no plans to remarry, God had other plans and I remarried to an awesome husband. We do prison ministry together and we are also taking these classes at CLI together although he is much further ahead and much more knowledgeable than I am. We do have a dream of starting our own church someday, so we shall see if that is God’s plan as well. I am very shy when it comes to speaking in front of others so that in itself will be a challenge for God. I do hope by going through these classes I will be a better witness to my children and others as well.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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