Bible Education Free at CLI
High-Quality Bible Education Free at CLI

My name is Roy Paul Koola, and I am receiving a Bible education free at CLI. I was born in 1964 to a Syrian Catholic family and brought up in that faith. My schooling started at Nirmala Convent School, Ayyanthol, Thrissur, Kerala, India. I went there until fourth grade. After that, we moved to the capital city, Thiruvananthapuram, where my father got a job transfer. I studied at St. Mary’s School in Pattom. While I was studying, I wished to become a Catholic priest. So, I completed the required form and sent it to the seminary. I waited for a reply, but I did not receive a call or any response.


Then I went to study at the Government Arts College. However, I was not interested in my studies, disobeyed my father, and did not submit to anybody. I went on my way through worldly lust and pleasures and lived a life without fear of God. Also, I became an atheist and lived in a communist way of thinking. I was defeated by failure but was stubborn and rebellious.

Then I got an opportunity to work in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, at the age of 21. My marriage was made at the age of 24 by the parent’s suggestion and arrangement. However, I could not take my wife abroad after our wedding. Therefore, I quit the job and returned home to live in Cochin. At that time, my struggles began. I had neither money nor a job. By the time my wife was pregnant, I was thinking about how to live and go ahead. Everyone had forsaken me, and I was sad with a heavy burden. I lost my peace and hope.

Renewed Faith

It was then that I wanted to escape from the situation. Somehow I went to Potta Catholic charismatic Ashram for prayer and to meditate on the word of God. There, Father Panakal’s speeches inspired me, and God visited me by His kindness. With a broken heart, I made my first call upon God. I submitted myself a little before God and got some relief. Soon, I got a visit Visa to go to Dubai, U.A.E., where I got a job. Immediately, my family joined me.

There, we had an opportunity to go to the Pentecostal meeting (I.P.C.) There we found a good spiritual experience. I accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord. At the age of 30, I received water baptism and dedicated and consecrated myself to God. I began to read the Word of God and studied the Bible through a correspondence course. Furthermore, I spent time listening to the Word of God and Bible commentary while driving the car.

Growing in God

To know God and a desire to be like my Master Jesus was my zeal. The Holy Spirit filled me. God taught me to understand the deeper truths and revealed His Word. Later, I started to send word to people through Facebook/Website. I am Jesus’ disciple, a partner of the gospel, and a witness for Jesus Christ.

God helped me to arrange a marriage for my daughter. The next year, I lost my job and returned to India with my family, and our son born there. We prayed to God to show us which church we should attend. God brought us to a New Testament Church with Pentecostal doctrines in 2000. God cared for us and met our spiritual and physical needs, gave us counsel, and led us in victory. By the grace of God, we are doing God’s work with joy.

Praise, glory, thanks be to the Holy God, who has done great things to me with all goodness, mercy, and kindness. Hallelujah! I have tasted that the Lord is good. Knowing God and getting closer to Him is the greatest thing we can do in this life. We cannot waste our lives and time since we have to lay hold of God’s kingdom in leading people to heaven! We are also waiting for the Lord’s return soon.

A New Beginning and Bible Education Free at CLI

Currently, we are in Dallas, Texas, in the U.S.A., at my daughter’s house. One day, I was searching for further Bible study. I found the Christian Leaders Institute in January 2020. However, I was not convinced since it is not of a Pentecostal or Baptist background and continued searching.

But, by the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I know I am to study a CLI. I also want to become an ordained minister with the Christian Leader Alliance. Now, I am convinced that it is a better place for my requirements. Furthermore, I understand that the professors are all Spirit-filled teachers anointed by the Holy Spirit. They are very generous people conducting all by the belief, “The just shall live by faith.” The Bible education free at CLI is a great blessing! I pray that God continues to bless CLI to equip believers to become Christ’s faithful disciples.

Learn about degrees at the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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