Bible Courses Free Online at CLI

Hello from sunny Southern California, USA. I am Jessica Mogensen, and I am taking free online Bible courses at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). I have been married to my wonderful husband Robert since 2012. We have four children, three boys, and a girl. I am a stay-at-home mom to our children, who are the loves of my life. However, they also cause me to get new white hair every 5 seconds.

Early Years

I grew up in a Christian home and became a born-again Christian at a very young age. Then, I recommitted my life to Jesus at the age of 13. For some reason, I thought I was too young to fully understand what it meant to be saved when I was 4. That is when my desire to know everything about God started.

I always loved the stories I learned from Sunday School and the other Bible stories I heard from my parents. When I started to reread and relearn the stories, I noticed new things or saw them from a different light. No matter how many times I read it, I always saw something new. That created an understanding of how alive the Bible truly is and how it will never get old.

Since High school, I have been interested in ministry in some type or form. This led me to go on a mission trip to Brazil when I was 16. That is where I fell in love with youth ministries. After graduating High School, I volunteered to be a youth leader in the Junior high group at my home church and a small group leader to six 7th grade girls. I loved seeing the Bible come alive to the kids and see their personal relationships with God grow.

New Challenges

Once I married, my husband and I moved away and struggled to find a home church that fit us. It was the first time my husband and I were actually on our own when it came to our Christian walk. Previously, we stayed in the same church we grew up in and never decided on factors like that. Unfortunately, instead of seeking the right church, we ended up going to our home church online. Therefore, we lost the connection, and fellowship in-person church gives. This is when I truly realized how important attending church is for me. I desire to be part of a church family to plug in and not just be a seat warmer.

Also, having my first child made me understand that I need a church family not just for me but for my children. Then, they can grow up and understand the importance of fellowshipping with other believers. This put a fire in me to prayerfully seek a new home church to raise our family. We are very blessed to have found a loving and God-centered church that has helped us grow up in our faith and claim it as our own.

Bible Courses and Ministry Training at CLI

Recently, I realized that I still have the calling to go into ministry. It might be stronger now than ever. I long for the connection and the blessing I get during my time serving the local church. I prayed for God to open doors at our new home church, and boy did He ever. Currently, I am on the leadership team for our Women’s ministry and run the social media pages for our church. I have also been asked to start training under the Connections Pastor as she is planning on retiring. She may have me take over her role in the future.

Growing up in the faith was not enough for me to feel adequate to take over such a role. So, I started looking for a Bible college where I could get training and a possible degree. I found out that no matter what, schools and Biblical training will be costly to me. Then, I came upon the Christian Leaders Institute with free Bible courses. I thought it was too good to be true. However, after looking into it and taking some classes, I realize this is another door God has opened for me. CLI helps me understand my call into ministry and understand my Heavenly Father and what He wants for all of us.