Bible College Free Online

Bible College Free Online – Not Too Old For the Lord’s great work!

A Bible college free online is available for a large segment of the Christian population that senses the calling into ministry. Christian Leaders Institute is a Bible College free online that offers over 20 advanced classes. We have several award levels for called students who believe they need advanced ministry training. JoyeDell Beers enrolled at this Bible college online believing that she was not too old for the Lord’s great work. Here is her story.

My name is JoyeDell Beers. At age 50, I believe the Lord still has a great work for my life. I live in the USA where we are still free to worship God… for the time being! As other countries have Christians being persecuted for their faith, I feel our nation is not far from that same fate. With that in perspective, I, and many others, want a better place for our children, and grandchildren to grow and live; a nation that is truly “one nation under God.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

The area we live in is not what you would call a “thriving” city. The downfall of the economy has only made this already depressed area worse. I have seen a lot of people with no hope. They have lost jobs, homes, friends, family and spouses. They are filling the void in their lives with alcohol, drugs, gambling, and sex. There seems to be an overabundance of serious sickness in young people in their teens and twenties. This depressed area needs hope… the hope that only Jesus can give.

I accepted the Lord as my personal Savior at the tender age of 9, during summer church camp. I could not believe that someone could love me so much that He would die for me. Over 40 years later, that is still an incredible concept.

My faith has been tested many times in my lifetime; my life threatening illness and 23 day hospital stay as a child, a problem pregnancy, nearly losing our firstborn son to Juvenile Diabetes, begging God’s protection over our daughter at college, fighting breast cancer, depression, and skin cancer, waiting and praying over our youngest son in his hospital bed while he battled a hole in his lung, and the list could go on. No matter what, through it all, God has been in control. (Psalm 139:1-12) I may not have agreed with His wisdom, or His timing, but my faith has grown and deepened with every mountain climbed. I have looked out across the vastness of this wonderful creation called earth, and marveled at The Creator. I can personally testify to His bountiful blessings, unfailing love, matchless grace, and tender mercy. I have also fallen on my knees in utter defeat and despair when only the Holy Spirit could intercede for me (Romans 8:26), giving me comfort, strength and hope.

My dream is to reach out to the lost, searching souls in my community and point them toward Christ. I especially desire to lead a women’s ministry, connecting women to women, and women to God. (Titus 2:2-5) How? Through the Word of God in both the spoken word and song. My method is music. My conductor is God. I will make music praising and worshiping Him as long as He gives breath. (Psalm 150:6) I pray to bring the truth of the gospel so close to everyone I meet that they can smell the sweet fragrance of The Spirit, taste the richness of His Holy Word, and be filled with God’s great mercy, grace, forgiveness, love, and hope. I pray to speak and sing with the Holy Spirit’s evangelistic power, but also want to truly know the heart of each individual seeking Christ in order to properly minister to them.

My pastor is the one who encouraged me to become an ordained minister as it will provide more open doors and opportunities for outreach. I am presently the music director at two churches each Sunday, and praise team leader for Vision Ministries which reaches beyond the walls of the church building with the Good News of Jesus. There are only a handful of family and close friends who know I am studying to be an ordained minister. As far as the church body is concerned, I will tell them eventually!

Having 3 adult children, you learn a lot more about their lives and reflections. I learned that they still look to my husband and I as examples and for guidance. Our days of rearing children are long gone. Teaching them about the Lord, knowing right from wrong, how to be productive and respected members of society, and adults who take responsibility for their own lives and actions, took place years ago when they were still children. That being said, our children are not surprised that mom is seeking to be ordained. Since talking with others about the Lord is a both a privilege and our duty, I have included them in my speaking and singing engagements since they were toddlers. My husband of over 30 years thinks it’s a worthy goal. He is my sounding board and debating partner. He lovingly offers encouragement and great insight to God’s Word. They are all being quite supportive, especially since I haven’t been “in school” for a very long time!

As a teenager, I always thought I would be a missionary. I did start college, but never finished. I cannot afford formal college, nor do I have the time to take off work to “go” to classes. So achieving that dream can only be a reality through a scholarship at CLI, the availability of classes online, and flexibility of the study schedule. What better way to continue my education, than to be studying and growing in God’s Word! I will have that opportunity to be a missionary… right in my own backyard! I will confidently be able to follow the Lord’s direction being equipped with the tools and knowledge learned from the classes and staff at CLI.

Please pray for the outpouring of God’s Spirit, wisdom, and boldness to reach the lost for Christ. (John 7:37-38)

If you are interested in enrolling at this Bible College free online just click here.  Like us on Facebook and read some more interesting stories of people enrolled at our Bible College Free Online here at Christian Leaders Institute.

1 reply
  1. Joy Beers
    Joy Beers says:

    Thank you for sharing my story! (Never knew you did this!) I did share it on facebook and mypraize. I hope many will read this and enroll in your classes! I know I learned a LOT from the classes I took! May God continue to bless the staff at CLI as you continue to train others for God’s work!!!

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