Bible Classes Free Online at CLI
I am Debra Herzog from the USA, and I am studying Bible classes free online at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about Bible classes free online, Click Here).
My life has been full of challenges and rewards. I became a Christian when I was in High School. So, I was blessed to walk with God and be filled with the Holy Spirit since asking Jesus into my heart. The process of being conformed to His image makes an interesting and miraculous life. There have been plenty of tears, but I have come from the tunnel of tears into the meadow of joy! I am the happiest woman on earth! There may be some who are as happy as I am, but no one can be happier. God has truly delivered, healed, and blessed me.
My Journey to Joy in the Lord
Even though I have been a Christian for a long time, it has also taken a long time for me to rid myself of suspicions and doubts about God. This was the root of all my problems of the past, and probably the root of many people’s issues. Not knowing God is truly good in the depths of our souls can make for bad decisions and mindsets until we finally “get it.”
As I look back over my Christian walk, I think, “If I had only known.” If I had only known how Good He Is. If I had only known how Kind and Attentive He Is! If I had only known how Sensitive and Caring He is, I would not have made my life as rocky as it has been, while confessing I loved Him with all my heart.
Walking in the Joy of the Lord
Love requires trust. Coming from an abusive upbringing, I seemed to attract abusive people. It took a long time for God to get through to me and show me how obedience and trust would bring me joy. Now that I have been living this blessed life for years, I want to share the simple way to get there with others. I only wish I had embarked upon it earlier, but trust requires experience. Through experience, hope, and faith, I now believe in the goodness of God to the core of my being. Walking in that has changed my life and brought real miracles, consistent miracles which go from glory to glory.
Ministry and Bible Classes Free Online at CLI
After decades of being a Christian, I am living the life God wants me to have. It seems easy now. However, the process of getting here has been challenging and heartbreaking at times. I continue to grow in Jesus and face new challenges, but they are easier and easier to deal with now that I know the secret: God is good!
I want to share the joy of the Lord with others and help them know how much God truly loves them. So I wanted ministry training to prepare for this calling from God. The ministry and Bible classes free online at the Christian Leaders Institute are a blessing for me. They will equip me so I can serve the Lord confidently and competently. Thank you, CLI!