Bible and Ministry Knowledge
Online Church Ministry
Hello everyone! My name is Richard P. Smith, and I live in Salisbury – Wiltshire, England. I have gained Bible and ministry knowledge by studying with the Christian Leaders Institute since 2020 (Learn more about studying the Bible online, Click Here). Before studying here, I completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and a separate MBA. However, my knowledge of Christianity was very limited. Studying with CLI here in England is very easy for me. I can access the programs during breaks at work or when I am sitting in my car. It is perfect if I need to watch a short video or read some scripture.
My Spiritual Journey
I came back to Christianity relatively late in life. In my childhood, my family was not very religious. However, my Gran was a churchwarden and two of my aunts were enthusiastic preachers in the Methodist Church. I have always been a private worshipper. I often read my Bible alone and prayed when I went through a particularly tough time. About three years ago, I started attending church after completing the first of two Alpha courses.
As I started my first Alpha course, my father was diagnosed with prostate and bone cancers. His health deteriorated quite rapidly. I prayed for him every day and night. However, the most amazing experience for me came during our Alpha weekend. It was an online course. So we did a back-to-back session. Afterward, we held a group prayer meeting where we had the opportunity to pray for a loved one. Collectively, we prayed for my Dad as he had been told his cancer had worsened quite a bit since his diagnosis. I thought this was a bit crazy and didn’t think we would see any change. How wrong I was! It amazed me and led me to the start of my ministry journey. My Dad’s health improved so much that it was a miracle. I know prayer was responsible. I use this story to help my evangelism whenever I can.
Bible and Ministry Knowledge at CLI
My spiritual dream is to achieve my Degree in Divinity with CLI’s Leadership Excellence School and start an online church group that helps people in their local communities.
The only obstacle I have faced in my ministry journey so far is with work. It has been strange how since starting to become a strong Christian, my work pattern has been a serious block to attending church. I worked as a caregiver in the community, which meant working every Sunday. Then, I got a job that meant working from 1100 hours every Sunday. Therefore, I still miss church. It does, however, mean that I get every Monday through Thursday off, which allows me extra time to study with CLI.
The CLI training has provided the grounding I need for ministry. I need to be able to answer questions and without detailed Bible and ministry knowledge, that is almost impossible. I am really looking forward to completing my Licensed Minister qualification soon and then moving on to study for my degree.
God bless you in your studies, and I hope to meet some of you one day!
Register a Study Account
Register for a free study account that automatically enrolls you in the Getting Started Class at the Christian Leaders Learning Platform. The Getting Started class will take you less than an hour to complete.
When you log in to the Learning Platform, you will notice that the Getting Started Class automatically appears on your dashboard.
The Getting Started Class will orientate you to the Christian Leaders Learning Platform and the Programs offered, including:
- Ministry Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas with the Christian Leaders Institute.
- College Degrees with the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.
- Minister Credentialling (Ordination) with the Christian Leaders Alliance, including local Soul Center registration possibilities.
Note: You can enroll in tuition-free courses or mini-courses immediately without finishing the getting started class.
Find out how to become a minister with an online program. Click Here
Find out more about women in ministry here