Better Understand Christianity - Courtney's Story

Courtney was looking to strenghten her faith, become a prayer warrior and increase her confidence when speaking of God and Christianity. Courney enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to better understand Christianity through free Ministry Training online. Here is her story…

Better Understand Christianity – Courtney’s Story


My name is Courtney I am from West Monroe, Louisiana, and I am currently a Loan Processor for Ouachita Valley Federal Credit Union. I am married with one daughter who is 5 years old, and I’m expecting our 2nd baby. I was not raised in a real religious home however, my family believes in Jesus. I wasn’t taught much about Jesus growing up. In college I started to doubt God even existed, and became very involved in drinking and partying. In 2010 I had my daughter. As soon as I saw her, and realized how much she needed me to just survive; I started to become very aware of the evil around us. I felt the need to protect her from so many things that I myself had been subjected too oh too often. I feel like for a long time Satan had me convinced that neither him nor God were real. I started to be so concerned about how so many people are tricked and lied to everyday by Satan, and have no way of even knowing it, or defending themselves simply because they weren’t taught. I started really seeking God by getting baptized, started attending church regularly, and praying daily.

One afternoon I decided to go by a local Christian bookstore, and try to find an interesting book. At the time the top 2 Christian books were Radical by David Platt and Crazy Love by Frances Chan. I read both. Crazy Love by Frances Chan really changed how I viewed Christianity. I used to feel overwhelmed like their is NO WAY I’m getting into heaven. After reading Crazy Love and continuing to seek truth through Gods Word. I realized how important it is to not only believe in Jesus, but to love him unconditionally. I realized that it was not about what my religion was, but what my relationship with Jesus was like. I want to use the training I receive from CLI to help others further their relationship with Jesus, and to help myself become more in love with Jesus. I believe prayer and studying Gods Word are the best ways to get to know him. I realized quickly the more I get to know him the more I fall in love with him. Having a scholarship with CLI will help me with my confidence when speaking Gods word to someone else. I hope it will give me what I need to help others with their walk, to be a better prayer warrior, and to build up my faith. My main goal in this life is to please Jesus. I know I have a long ways to go, but I feel faithful that becoming more educated will keep me on the right path.


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