My name is Davies Mutuku. Growing up in a village setting in the interior of rural Kenya, I was the fourth born in a family of 8. It was never clear in my mind what I “wanted to be” in life. Like the rest of my siblings, I just went through the rhythm of schooling and hoped that my final year grades would ultimately determine a good fate in my life. That was 47 years ago today, and now working in Freight logistics, I look back in retrospect and see a different setup, an invisible story line altogether.It began like this; one day in our early years as we walked from home to Sundayschool, I remember one of my sisters quipping in our local dialect: “Mutuku; nonaa we ukatwika pastor” meaning “I perceive you will become a Pastor”. I thought this statement was prompted by my quiet, somber demeanor then and therefore ignored it. Though not yet a pastor, all signs over the years, however, attest that this could have been a prophecy over my life!

I gave my life to Christ and was baptized in 1981. Routinely, I attended many annual youth and men conferences organized by our local church. I however did not get into deep commitment in God. In fact I backslid when I was in college. While in Mombasa town in search of elusive employment after college in 1994, I continued attending church there and even enrolled in a correspondence Bible training course. In this training, one would pay the equivalent of one dollar to the institute to cover the cost of study materials and postage. But I dropped out mid way and never finished the course. Around this time, I met and wedded my wife Christine, who was from another church. At her persistence, I unwillingly moved and joined her church in 2000. Our son, Adam, was born the following year.

After joining this new Church, life took on a new dimension. I recommitted my life to God. From that time onwards, I became serious with my salvation. I joined the home bible cells where I was assisted to grow in my faith. I became an active Christian and started serving in my church. I felt like God was “thrusting” me into His field to make up for some lost time! In short years, I got involved in various church ministries through which I came to discover my gift of teaching. I served in home Bible fellowships, leadership development and new membership training in the church. My passion for missions and discipleship was ignited then.

Best Free Bible School Online –  CLI Experience

Early 2013, I was already a church deacon when I came across CLI as I browsed the web for Bible training opportunities. I still had a strong desire to finish off that Bible course I had dropped years back and CLI seemed capable to provide that opportunity. Moreover, the opportunity was better in that CLI training is web based and materials were provided at no cost.

I had no reason not to enroll, so I got started immediately though with a “wait-and- see” attitude! As a Bible teacher in my local church in Mombasa at that time, I was looking for deep knowledge of the things of God, answers to unresolved puzzles I had gathered over years on Christian life and faith. I was doubtful that any solid and reliable information could be available online and especially free of charge. However, my interaction with the study materials, professors and especially the online video presentations allayed my fears. I realized that this was the quality stuff I was looking for and CLI was providing it in a conveniently packaged form. Since then, I was stuck with it and received great support from my family and the local church Pastor. When my family later relocated from Mombasa to Nairobi city close to 500KM away, there was no disruption in my studies.

With the training I have received at CLI, I am confident that my calling, gifts and passion for ministry have further solidified. I am now more equipped with practical skills and knowledge, and convinced in my heart that God has called me into teaching ministry. My ordination for ministry will therefore confirm my readiness and ushers me into this place of greater responsibility in service to God. This comes with greater commitment on my part, acknowledging that the greatest objective in this mandate is the spreading of the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ to the lost world. The training has radically changed my perspective in many areas of life. Not only has my knowledge of God’s Word widened but the understanding of people smart skills have projected a new dimension to my view of people and their place in God. This has positively impacted on my approach to ministry forever.

Unique Opportunities
Kenya is largely evangelized though a large number of communities remain unreached. There are Muslims, Asians, youth and communities in remote areas who have not yet heard the gospel of Christ. These groups remain the main targets of any evangelistic mission to the unreached and are an area requiring prayer.

Security concerns permitting, Christians in Kenya are also well positioned in many ways to take the Gospel to neighboring Somalia. The Somali have been a people neglected as their nation collapsed into chaos from years of internal political and religious strife.

Thank You
Our Lord Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38). My prayer and heart’s desire is that I will always be found ready and a faithful worker in the harvest field, whether as a pastor as my sister “perceived” in my formative years or otherwise but according to the measure of faith God has entrusted to me. This is to the praise and glory of His holy name. Amen.

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