Being Prepared for Ministry

What I’m about to write isn’t my story, but rather, it’s God’s story. My life is just a minuscule part of the big picture of His plan. I give Him all the glory. As I look over my seventeen years of life, I stand in awe of the wonder of our God. I pray that as you read this you will clearly see the fingerprints of God.

I was born on July 16, 1997, in the beautiful city of Durango, Colorado. My parents were excited to welcome their firstborn into the world. Over the years, they also welcomed three more girls and two boys.

The first eight years of my life, we lived in Aztec, New Mexico, on a family ranch. Dad served as a youth pastor and assistant pastor. I grew up believing I was a real cowgirl. By the time I was four, I could ride a horse all by myself. My aunt, cousin, and grandparents all lived next door. My mom home schooled my sisters and I, what adventures we had!

The Lord then called us to move to Chappelle, Texas. While we were there I went to a “real school” for the first time. I also accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior after watching my sister grow closer to Jesus after she became a Christian. My Dad taught at the school I went to and also served as the assistant pastor. We lived there for two years. All was well until God threw a curve ball right at us. Tragedy struck when my dear Nana died suddenly in a car accident (We had lived next door to her). This was my first real encounter with death. I grieved, but the Lord helped me through that tough time. I took hope in the promise that I would see her again someday. “Do not let your heart be troubled…I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2-3

Then He led us to go through deputation to raise money for a ministry. So we bought a travel trailer, and all seven of us went on one adventure after another. I have such dear memories of those nine months. What fun to sleep in a house with wheels every night!?! It may have been tight, but I loved every minute of it.

Sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways. After nine months of raising support, the doors opened up for us to live with my Granny and Papa. Mom was expecting her sixth and I was about to turn twelve. This baby was a big surprise. We lived there till my brother was born, then we moved to Carlton, Oregon, where I live today.

Oregon is a beautiful state but because it rains often, people struggle with depression, cutting and eating disorders. For five years we served at a small church, full of dear people. God taught me much about friendship, love, peacemaking, sacrifice, and serving Him, through leading worship over the years. I still have a lot to learn, but He is faithful. “He who began a good work in you will carry it out to completion.” Philippians 1:6

Last summer I had the amazing privilege of going on a mission trip to India, Croatia, and Austria. It had been a life-long dream of mine to go to India. While there I stayed at an all girl’s orphanage. At night I led devotions. One stands out to me, Jesus had told me to talk about His fatherly love, how He is the perfect father. Tears rolled down their cheeks. What an honor it was to be able to minister to their hearts.

Meanwhile in Oregon, the Lord was working miracles. He opened a door that we didn’t even think was a possibility. My parents followed Him, took a huge leap of faith, and moved to a church that had been dying for years. This was my dad’s first time as a full-time pastor. After two days of being back in the states, we had our first week at our new church. That was a little over a year ago.

During the past year, I’ve been leading worship once a month, teaching children, and leading worship at my youth group. My family and I have learned and grown so much through this experience. I love serving my Lord and Savior, in whatever ways He leads.

My ministry dream is to continue to serve in my church. One day I hope to become a faithful wife and mother. I would love to have a lot of kids, like eight. Ever since I was very little, I have felt led to lead worship, teach kids, and have a big family. In January, I’m going on a mission trip to Uganda until April. I can’t wait to see how the Lord will lead in my future.

Christian Leaders Institute is a huge blessing to me because it’s free, has sound doctrine, and is online. This makes it possible for me to get training while still being able to serve in my church and abroad. Please pray that I will have wisdom on my future choices and that I will follow the Lord wherever He leads.

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