Become Ordained to Chaplaincy

Become Ordained to Chaplaincy – My Chaplain Journey

This woman of God has answered the call to become ordained to chaplaincy through Christian Leaders Insitute. Read her story.

Here is my Chaplain journey from self-destruction to a called leader. I am a 39-year-old woman originally from California. Currently, I live in Pawleys Island, SC. Studies on the word of God are what I enjoy doing daily. At one time, I was on a destructive path in life and didn’t care about anything or anyone. I had an experience that awakened my spirituality. I was on life support from a failed suicide attempt. But still, I didn’t believe nor wanted to accept Jesus, so I felt I’d lean toward Wicca.

Self-destructive Path Led to God

God kept calling me, but I continued to drift further away. Life got so bad, and I was so unhappy after many more failed suicide attempts. Finally, I yielded to the call of God after he healed me entirely of hepatitis C (suicide was not working, so I thought getting infected would undoubtedly do the trick). I refused to take meds for brain infection so that I would die from the disease, and yet the next MRI showed no more mastoiditis in the brain. I was addicted to pills as well, and God delivered me from that. Next, my mental problems such as schizophrenia/schizoaffective, and much more were all gone!!! God changed my life, so I said to God, I give!

I decided He had a plan for me. I want to say to other people who struggle and doubt, “He has a plan for you. If you would humble yourself and search for the truth, you will find it! There is a war going on that you can’t see, but it’s real. God is real, and his Son is real! Religion will get you nowhere. Only a relationship with God through his Son Jesus will get you through. Seek God! He wants to show himself to you, but you need to let go of the anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Then you will have peace so you can heal again. Never be ashamed of where you have been because your story can help save a soul! It’s a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, not a religion!”

Answering God’s Call and Studying at CLI – Become Ordained to Chaplaincy

When I found out about Christian Leaders Institute on my Chaplain journey, I set out to do something with my life. All the years I thought were wasted were building blocks. The mistakes, the hurts, and the loss have made me a better me. God is going to use me to be a blessing to others. Christian Leaders Institute is helping me reach the goal of becoming a chaplain.

It wasn’t until recently that I realized everything I was learning and accomplishing was only causing the outside to improve. However, my relationship with Jesus Christ was lacking. Christian Leaders Institute helped me see that. So now, I am in the relational track with Christ Jesus, rather than just having a religion.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Christian Leaders Institute. I hope my story will help others seek there calling. After completing many study hours and courses, I’m looking to God for direction on where to go next. I am excited to see what God has planned for me.

Become Ordained to Chaplaincy with the  Christian Leaders Alliance

The Deacon Minister Ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance is the first step. Next, I will seek the associate Chaplain minister ordination. After this, I still intend on taking more courses while I do some fieldwork as a volunteer at a nursing home. Only time will tell what God has in store for my future. Thank you, CLI!

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