Are you called to become a Christian leader or minister in Florida?

The need is urgent! The state is snowballing! Florida has added more people than the existing churches or ministries can handle. Additionally, different types of Christian ministries are needed.

According to the 2020 census, Flordia grew by 2,736,877 from 2010-2020. Only Texas added more people in those ten years. (source)

There are about twenty-two million people now in the state of Florida; about one-third go to church regularly, about one-third go occasionally, and about one-third do not go to a church. Almost seven million people need to connect more, and another seven million need to be reached. (Pew Research)

Many minister volunteers and part-time minister roles are needed. Further, there are many full-time positions available in ministry.


Trained Fellowship Ministers – Volunteering ministers trained and called to reach their local community of influence or location. These ministers are often involved in local churches or embedded in condo communities for six months out of the year.

Christian Wedding Officiants  – Volunteer or part-time ministers who offer marriage officiant services while sharing the message of Christian marriage. Some Christian wedding officiants receive their full-time support from this ministry. Were you asked to officiate a wedding? Click here

Practicing Ministers –  Volunteer, part-time or full-time ministers who have specialized their ministry around a specific topic. Practicing ministers are often Coaching ministers in marriage, matchmaking, sex, prayer, life coaching, and many other specializations. A practicing minister may also be a home-schooling mother who specializes in ministering to her children and her involvement with home-schooling co-ops. Are you exploring being a life coach minister? Click here

Church and House Church Ministers – Local churches have many volunteer, part-time or full-time minister positions. Become a minister in Florida through Christian Leader Institute training and Christian Leaders Alliance credentialing, and you will find many church-related opportunities. Also, register your local church on the Soul Center website if you start a new church or house church.

Chaplain Ministers – Each community needs ministry chaplains. These positions are usually volunteer or part-time minister positions. Most full-time positions are available to those who hold a master’s degree. Furthermore, CLI’s Leadership Excellence School has a program with other accredited colleges and seminaries that will help you if you are called to professional chaplaincy.

Kingdom Ministers – Are you called to a ministry or want to start one? Christian Leaders Institute has many tuition-free courses that will help you! Kingdom ministers can also be volunteer, part-time or full-time ministers.


Colleges and universities are becoming unfriendly to the Christian message. Today, the once-supporting influence of Christianity in the world of academia is vanishing. Christian parents send their children to college only to see them coming out depressed and enlightened with a worldview that rejects the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Bible as God’s truth.

Have you considered CLI’s Leadership Excellence School of Largo, Florida? CLI’s Leadership Excellence School is entirely online and glorifies God as the Creator and the Bible as the truth about God from God. See Statement of Faith.

Therefore, CLI’s Leadership Excellence School fits if you need a bachelor’s degree for many careers or master-level studies.

Here are reasons to consider CLI’s Leadership Excellence School:

  1. Excellence – CLI’s Leadership Excellence School has high-quality general education and academic studies. The goal is to help you or your children become Christian difference-makers. The religiously-exempt education with the Flordia Department of Education is on the road to accreditation with ABHE out of Orlando, Florida. ABHE is an accrediting agency of the USA Department of Education. Therefore, institutes like Liberty University recognize CLI’s Leadership Excellence School Courses for transfer. In addition, institutions like Ohio Christian University, Calvin Seminary, Northern Seminary, and Sioux Falls Seminary will recognize the Bachelor’s degree.
  2. Become a Minister in College – Imagine simultaneously graduating with your Bachelor’s degree and training as a Christian minister. CLI’s Leadership Excellence School has Christian degrees in Leadership, Business, Ministry, Philosophy, and Divinity. Imagine going into the workforce or on to a master’s study with one of those degrees. Furthermore, with the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School degree, you can become a minister with your credentials through the Christian Leaders Alliance.
  3. Get Your College Degree without College Debt – The average college debt is about $30,000. Source: US World Report CLI’s Leadership Excellence School uses the tuition-free courses of Christian Leaders Institute. That means you study based on a vision partner program where the classes are free. All you pay are some low administration fees of around $4,000 for a Bachelor’s degree.


Is God calling you to become a minister in Florida? Christian Leaders Institute is your gateway to many ministry programs perfect for bi-vocational or vocational ministers.

Christian Leaders Institute offers a way for you to complete a ministry program. What needs are you called to meet in your community? How is God speaking to your heart? What ministry training do you need?

Step One: Get Tuition-Free Ministry Education

Begin ministry training in your area of interest. We have over 150 courses, including free mini-courses and complete college-level courses. You will be amazed at the online courses available to you. Further, you can do each class at your pace.

These tuition-free courses include Bible study, theology, and ministry courses. Enroll and complete Old Testament and New Testament Survey. Take a course on Essential Christian Theology. Maybe you want the skills of officiating weddings? The Christian Leaders Alliance can help you become credentialed to do weddings in your community.

You can access this free ministry training by enrolling at Christian Leaders Institute. Complete the getting-started course in less than an hour, and you are all set. Enroll here to set up your free study account.

Step Two: Complete a Ministry Training Program or Enroll in the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School

Christian Leaders Institute offers ministry credentials. The Christian Leaders Alliance partners with Christian Leaders Institute to provide minister credentials and membership with a global network of clergy members.

Christian Leaders Alliance began in 2014, credentialling volunteer, part-time and full-time ministers with clergy credentials. A Global Ministers Commission oversees the work. Thousands of credentialed ministers are included in the global Ministers directory.

In this step, you select the minister role for your calling. There are five roles. All of them are clergy credential-grade, depending on your specific interest and the time you have to complete a study program.

The five roles are:

Christian Officiants –  The core credential is the Christian Wedding Officiant. One study course and one recommendation are needed for this credential. Therefore, this credential allows you to confidently and legally officiate weddings throughout the United States and many places worldwide.

Commended Ministers – The Commended role was traditionally a lay minister category. Therefore, this role primarily requires mini-courses that take less time to complete.

Coaching Ministers -The Coaching Minister credentials are designed for those who seek to practice coaching as credentialed ministers. You need two local endorsements for this ministry program. This coaching role is perfect for those who desire a coaching practice or serve in a church as coaching ministers. This is a newer way to become a Flordia minister available in many specializations.

Licensed Ministers – The Licensed role is designed primarily for volunteer or part-time ministers. These ministers often have another means for their primary support.

Ordained Ministers – The Ordained role is designed for those interested in deepening their ministry preparedness. Therefore, this role suits those seeking part-time or full-time minister positions.

All these clergy roles have a local endorsement feature which establishes more credibility for your ministry.

After you complete a clergy role, you are welcome to take ministry specializations. Click here to find out more about the specializations. 

After you complete the Getting Started course, you are on your way to becoming a Florida minister. Further, you can also enroll at the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School and start on a low-cost college degree.

Step Three: Register Your Ministry

Interested in registering your ministry? After you have taken the ministry training and completed your minister preparation, what is next? 

Have you checked out Soul Centers? Soul Centers are places of ministry. The Christian Leaders Alliance encourages credentialed ministers to register their local church religious society at the Soul Center DirectorySoul Centers also recognize different purposes and sizes of ministry for credentialed ministers. 

What type of Soul Center fits you? 

Check out these types of Soul Centers:

  • Local Fellowship
  • Wedding Officiant Practice
  • Ministry Practice
  • House Church or Church
  • Ministries
  • Leadership Mentor Center

Click here to read more about Soul Centers. 

Take Aways:

  1. Suppose God called you into ministry, or you want a college program that is ministry integrated. In that case, grassroots ministry training and credentialing opportunities are available for a low cost. The ministry training is tuition-free, and a degree or minister credentials have low administration fees.
  2. These programs are perfect for busy people with limited study time who have a definite call to ministry. This program also opens the door to many possibilities.
  3. There is no risk in beginning your studies and completing your program to become a Florida minister with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Give it a try!
  4. There are exciting options for local ministry with Soul Centers.