Become A Better Christian Leader - Steven's Story

Steven Scott enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute seeking the education to Become A Better Chrisitan Leader, and further dedicate his life to his Walk with God. Here is his story…

Become A Better Christian Leader – Steven’s Story

My name is Steven Scott. I am 43 years old, married and have five children. We live in Dixon, Illinois, a town of about 16,000. This is my second marriage and has been 12 wonderful years and counting. My first marriage ended abruptly, after only two years. It was in the year 2000 and the darkest time of my life. I was in a deep depression and drinking heavily. I honestly thought they made me feel better, but instead, it distanced me from all of my friends. I was working in an auto repair shop at the time, and a coworker invited me to church. I was ready to decline until he told me his pastor’s name. It was the same pastor I had as a kid when I used to go with my aunt and uncle to church! Well, I couldn’t pass up a chance to see him again after all these years. It was like connecting with an old friend, and he knew that there was something bothering me. How awesome the holy spirit is! I started attending regularly and got asked to take a half hour slot in a 24-hour prayer vigil. I agreed. When I relieved the person ahead of me, they showed me a list of things to pray for. 5 minutes later, I was wondering what now? I sat down and started talking to God about my problems. Within minutes, I felt his presence and peace for the first time in my life. I knew then that I wanted to be a follower of Christ. I talked to the pastor and was baptised after I dedicated my life to the Lord in the front of the church.
Me, my wife, and kids were living in a small town where we could not find a church that worked for us. So there was a time that we didn’t go, and my relationship with Christ dwindled. We decided to move to Dixon to be closer to where I worked at the time. One day, we got a door hanger, inviting us to a new church that would be meeting at a hotel until a building was found. We decided to give it a try and found it to be the perfect fit for the whole family.
My dad passed away in October of 2005. My mom said I should have one of his guitars. I didn’t want just to hang it on a wall, so I decided to get online and learn some chords, and eventually I was strumming simple songs. My pastor invited me to sit in on worship team practices, to see if it helped me learn. Within an few months, I became a member of the team! At the beginning of this year, I was made the worship team leader of our church. It amazes me to look at how far God has brought me, and all the work he continues to do. My hope is that CLI training will help me to become a better leader, and help me grow in my walk with our Lord.


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