Become a Baptizing Officiant

Are you called to be a modern-day John the Baptist? Are you called to help people surrender their lives to Jesus Christ and be baptized? Are you called to ministry? At Christian Leaders Institute, we study how ministry changes people’s lives. For instance, we acknowledge testimonies of how people are saved and transformed through the waters of baptism. Have you considered to become a baptizing officiant as your calling?

One of the ministry roles at Christian Leaders Institute is the role of the Ministry Officiant. The Ministry Officiant can serve on the staff of a local church, articulating the gospel and serving the congregation, or they can serve as an officiant in their circle of influence. One of the Ministry Officiant’s duties is to baptize those who want to profess their faith in Jesus Christ.

Become an Baptizing Officiant

Christian Leaders Institute provides training for Ministry Officiants who are called to not only share the gospel but also baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Here is a testimony about the power of what baptism can do in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Meet Bridget from the United States.

Hello. I’m Bridget Greenwood from the United States. I want to share my testimony to encourage others not to give up. Like many people today, I come from a broken home. As a result, I have struggled with depression all of my life. It seemed this feeling of dread was always there, a dark cloud that never went away. I tried everything, but nothing ever made me feel better. I first came to Christ at 19, but my depression kept resurfacing throughout my life. In fact, it just kept getting worse no matter what I did to try to feel better. I would repeatedly sink into my depression, drift away from God, feel so ashamed, and then get close to God again. This vicious cycle continued throughout my life. These bouts of depression eventually led to several suicide attempts. I had tried everything I could think of to take away the pain, but nothing ended my deep suffering.

Then one day, back in 2022, a dear friend strongly encouraged me to get baptized again. After being baptized four times in my life, I was hesitant. Still, she persisted and told me that there was healing through baptism. Reluctantly, I decided to get baptized again. I felt that God was leading me to go back to a church that I had attended a dozen years ago. So there I was at the service, going through the motions. At the end of the service, a bishop came up to me. He said God wanted him to pray with me. After we were done praying, he said that God told him I needed to get baptized. Again, I was hesitant. He said if I didn’t get baptized, I would be bound by depression for the rest of my life. It was then I finally decided to be baptized.

I remember the experience quite vividly. I was sitting in the baptismal tub, waiting to be dunked, holding my nose with my index finger and thumb. As I went under the water, I saw Jesus. He stretched out his right arm, and his hand touched the water, creating a rippling effect. As I came out of the water, I looked up and saw the clouds of heaven open up and a bright light. I had a tremendous, overwhelming, indescribable feeling of joy. I knew at that moment God had healed me from depression! Since that day, I’ve never been the same! I’m free in Christ! I have known since that memorable day that I want to save souls for Christ!

Here are some roles to study through the ministry science program at Christian Leaders Institute with minister credentialing opportunities through the Christian Leaders Alliance.

  • Officiants: Handle significant life events through become a baptizing officiant through training and credentialing. There are other officiant opportunities as well.
    Wedding Officiant, Romance Officiant, Funeral Officiant, Ministry Officiant, and Christian Officiant.
  • Licensed and Ordained Ministers: Focus on preaching, teaching, and leadership.  See Program. 
  • Coaching Ministers: Combine coaching techniques with Christian guidance to help people navigate life’s challenges and spiritual growth. See Program
  • Ministry Chaplains: Provide spiritual care in nonchurch settings like clubs, neighborhoods, hospitals and military services. See Program.