Bachelor’s Degree at CLI/CLI


Hello! My name is George Sawyer II, and I am studying at Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here) and applying to the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School to get my bachelor’s degree. I am a husband and father of three children. We are from The Bahamas, and with little exception, we have lived here our entire life. I am happy and privileged to greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

My journey to walking with God is not a straight path. It started when I was seven years old. My uncle used to carry me to church. One evening service, when the altar call came, I felt the call and gave my life to Christ. The next few years, until I was in senior high, I attended church whenever I could. My parents were not churchgoers, so I could only attend when one of my uncles picked me up.

Side Tracked

After I left home, my walk with God grew more inconsistent. I started college seeking a bachelor’s degree and majoring in Bio-Chem to become a doctor. Until recently, I didn’t realize that my desire to help save people’s lives, while translating to an eight-year-old as a want to be a doctor, was actually a call placed on my life. To minister to people and help save people’s lives was actually a calling to lead them to the Lord so that their souls could be saved through surrender to Christ.

Therefore, I faltered and quit college. I ended up in trade school to become a jeweler. I needed a faster way to make a living because I met a young lady, got married, and had a son. We did not live a Christian lifestyle at all. Her wants actually drove us apart as she wanted a lifestyle with multiple men and drinking. We argued, and she divorced me. Still, I was bitter and lost and did not seek to reconnect with the Lord.

I Called on God

Shortly after this, I met another young lady and fell in love once again. We married and had a daughter. When my daughter was 4, we moved to West Palm Beach, Florida. Our life was so stressful, and I was so lost and bitter that I felt only a complete change in our life would help. So, I did something I hadn’t in a long time. I prayed to God. During the prayer, I said that I was lost and that I needed His help. We were going on this journey, and I was stepping out in faith and asked God to bless this change to be what we needed.

I had no idea at the time how much God’s answer to my prayer would change everything in our life. It changed everything in my life. I soon found out that God’s knowledge of what I needed and my idea of what I needed the change to be were two totally different things.

From the moment I arrived in West Palm Beach, my spirit was calmed. I felt something come over me. It wasn’t until later that I realized it was the Holy Spirit beginning to work on my life. Through work, I met a woman that invited my family to church, and the reconnection I felt with God was strengthening. After a few months, I felt the call to get baptized. I spoke with my wife, and we decided to do it together. A few weeks later, my wife, son, and I got baptized together.

New Direction

During this time, we struggled with finances and the ability to move forward with our plans. It weighed on me. My job involved unloading trailers of items my employer emptied from abandoned apartments. One day, I felt discouraged and talked to God as I unloaded the trailer. At one point, I said, ” Lord, I am having a hard time here. I’m sure you didn’t bring me to this place to be doing this for the rest of my life. What is it I am supposed to do?”

Then, I moved a box of items, and another fell over at my feet. The contents spilled out, books. Not just any books but training manuals for ministry. One was how to start a church by Michael Chitwood. Two others were on how to be an effective pastor and how to start a nonprofit Christian ministry. There were also all types of supporting literature on these subjects.

I was overwhelmed with emotion. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Could it be? Trembling, I asked, “Is this you, God? Is this what you are telling me? How can I know if this is you? If it is, please let me know.” As I righted the box to put the manuals back, the next book to spill out was a Bible. I picked it up and read the title, “The Holy Spirit Encounter Bible.” I never saw a Bible like it before or after. I was terrified. God was talking to me.


I felt unworthy and thought it over for weeks. I didn’t know what to do. Finally, I went to the pastor of the church I was attending to seek direction. What I got shut me right down. I got discouragement and was told that they couldn’t help me and made me feel that maybe I was mistaken. So, I put the books away.

Shortly after that, we moved back to the Bahamas. Several years went by. One day, my wife and I were talking about things. She said we needed to go back to church. On my way out to get the kids from school, I sarcastically told her we needed to pray about it and ask God where to go because I didn’t feel comfortable in most churches.

As the kids and I got out of the car at home, a small group approached. They handed us a pamphlet inviting us to church. Stunned, I went inside and told my wife that I was out of excuses because God just sent an invite to church.

A New Church Home

I had told them that I had to work that Sunday, but I would be there the following Sunday. The Friday before, I had an accident at work. I ended up in the emergency room and a neck brace. The spiritual warfare started. I felt the devil was trying to stop me from going! So, even though I was in pain and a neck brace, I went to church. For the first time in a long time, I felt spiritually at home.

Over the next 6 months that I wore the brace, there were ups and downs on my spiritual journey. One particular Sunday, as I was at church feeling low, I asked God why he had me attending this church. His answer was instantaneous. So fast I almost missed it because I was still asking the question. The assistant pastor made the announcement right at that moment that they were starting the lay minister’s course for this year in a few weeks. God extended the call again.

However, there was a fee, and I hadn’t worked in months. There was no money. I was disappointed but decided to email the Reverend anyway and inquire when the next course would start. Maybe I would have the money by then. The Reverend said not to worry about the fee but to come anyway. I was scared and excited. God opened the door to the path he had for me.

Seeking a Bachelor’s Degree at CLI’s Leadership Excellence School

I prayed for direction during the lay minister’s course. The Holy Spirit said that I would go all the way to becoming an ordained minister in the Methodist church. I asked Reverend about the path and was disappointed to learn that they required a bachelor’s degree. Then, I needed to attend a seminary to pursue a master’s in divinity to achieve my goal.

Still, I determined not to be dismayed by the enemy. While taking the lay minister’s course, I continued to pray and search for the answer. God provided the answer by directing my path to the Christian Leaders Institute and CLI’s Leadership Excellence School to obtain the education and bachelor’s degree required to make this goal a reality. CLI and CLI are doing the work of God. I pray that God continues to bless all of those associated with making this happen.

To whoever reads this, may God bless and direct your life to the fullness of the plans He has for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost bachelor’s degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.