This minister is studying at Christian Leaders Institute to add to her education.

Patricia A. Harris started a non-profit ministry years ago and is now using
Christian Leaders Institute to help her further pursue her dreams…

My Personal Bio…

Hi my name is Patricia A. Harris, of the United States. I’m a divorced mother of six adult children, with twenty-seven grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. I currently live in Minnesota, in the twin-cities area… I am a Christian Leaders Institute student and enjoying the journey.

My family moved here from Chicago, in 1982, to create a better life for them. I spent the first four years of my life in Milwaukee and the remainder of my childhood in Chicago’s south side. There was no father in our home, but we had a great mom. She was always there for us. We never had to wonder where she was because she never worked outside the home. There was no one to provide for us or help raise us.

I have spent many years trying to help others in one way or another, but I felt that wasn’t the only thing I wanted or needed to do. I knew there was so much more to life than simply helping others with basic needs.

My Early Years…

I came to know the Lord when I was seven years of age. We had the opportunity to get a Bible with our name engraved on it for participating in Sunday School every Sunday. It was a wonderful time in my life when I gave everything I could just to go to Church; though our household was not involved in Church, nor did we pray. Some of my earliest memories are of helping children and making sure they had something to eat.

I remember when I was 12 years old I met a family of four that lived across the street. I noticed sad looks on their faces and went to talk with them. They asked if I could get them some food and they showed me the deplorable conditions they were living in. I cried for those children that day. I brought them home and asked my mother if we could give them some food. We were living in poverty ourselves, but my family always seemed to have enough food to help others. My aunt was visiting us that day and she and my mom decided to call the authorities about the living conditions and the four hungry children. Those children would come to be given a place to live with my aunt.

I’ve come to realize over the years that being the eldest carries great responsibility. I guess you could call me a caretaker/nurturing kind of person because I always enjoy helping others whether in Church or out in the community.

How My Ministry Passion Began…

My passion for ministry was birthed out of volunteering and working in the community in the nonprofit arena.  I helped others achieve their goals, find shelter, locate resources and come to a place of stability in their lives. For five years I also worked faithfully in my home Church, starting new ministries, and helping with various others. Then in 2000, after my divorce, I left that Church and moved to Atlanta, Georgia.

In 2003, I moved to Beaufort, SC, to further pursue ministry and to answer the call of God on my life. I worked in the Broomfield United Methodist Church as a teacher and a minister of the Word of God. During that time I had an anointing to start the outreach ministry, “Sons & Daughters of Zion”… Church on the Move”, to bring the nations to the Lord. Currently, I am not involved in this ministry because of illness. God has been taking me through a healing process. Taking classes through Christian Leaders Institute at this time in my life is very good timing.

My Dream….

My dream is to have home bible study groups all over the United States and beyond. To me there is nothing more important or fulfilling. I love teaching and ministering the Word of God and I am truly grateful for the opportunity through Christian Leaders Institute to advance my knowledge. Although my ministry is dormant, it is a joy to be able to gain a Bible education through Christian Leaders Institute.

Please pray for my complete healing in every area of my life so that I can finish the work God is calling me to.

My training with Christian Leaders Institute is important to me because it will give me the opportunity to teach more effectively in the future. I believe that education which has been so freely given, will bring great rewards (Mt 10:8) and we will understand why Jesus said “the Kingdom of God is within you”. (Phil 2:13)


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