Answer God’s Call to Ministry

Answer God’s Call to Ministry by Studying at CLI

Hello, my name is John Boyd, and I want to answer God’s call to ministry through my CLI studies. I have a wonderful wife named Kara. We live on a farm in Southside, Virginia. There we raise livestock and produce small grain crops and vegetables.

My Youth

As a young child living in New York City, I traveled to Virginia during summer vacation. I stayed with my grandparents to help them on their farm. I loved farming as a child and riding to church with my grandfather on his mule and wagon. He was a Deacon at a small church in Bracey, VA. My father and mother are now trustees at the same church.

While growing up, my parents attended church regularly. I have had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ from an early age. Since my teenage years, I knew that I needed to answer God’s call to ministry. I have also been an advocate for civil rights and led marches and rallies in Washington, DC. I hope to bring change in Congress for the betterment of all people.

Answer God’s Call to Ministry

The roads I have traveled were not easy. However, I always put God first. I have reached the point in life where I can no longer keep running from the calling God has placed upon my life. I am called to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others.

Then, I asked my wife Kara to help me find the requirements to become an Ordained Minister with credentials. After much research and several disappointments due to scams, she shared with me the Christian Leaders Institute. I was amazed to learn that the tuition was free, and I could complete the requirements online.

While watching one of the course videos, I determined to finish this course because I want to be that 1 in 10 who crosses the finish line. Therefore, it is with great anticipation that I look forward to receiving my ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance and a Bachelor’s degree at the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School. These credentials will help me answer God’s call to ministry.

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