An Extraordinary Mission

An Extraordinary Mission From God

I am Snehitha Govada from Vijayawada, India, an ordinary woman called by God for an extraordinary mission. I am called to minister to the broken people, to train leaders, and to expand the services of my local church so that the gospel spreads throughout India.

The Beginning of My Call to an Extraordinary Mission From God

In 2014, during September, I was doing my Masters in Kakinada. I have a habit of calling my friend to ask about the message in my local church in Vijayawada. It was the month in which they held fasting prayers. Some guests were invited to the church to deliver the message. My friend called and told me about how a guest pastor prayed, and she fell backward. I told her that this concept of throwing people back is not biblical, and it is called slaying in the spirit.

Then I felt a deep burden for my local church where I attend the services. So, I prayed for my church. Immediately, after I finished my work in the college and with fasting prayer and fear, I stepped into my local church and spoke to our pastor about the wrong minister whom they had invited during the fasting prayers. I gave my local pastor the books which describe these false doctrines. I asked for our pastor’s mail id to know if I could get my books back. The zeal drove me for God that the congregation must know such truths while false teachers are arising more in India.

God Led Me to An Extraordinary Mission

As I was in prayer, I was prompted to share the information I gained through reading spiritual books. I started sharing some concepts through the mail to our pastor. Thus, I began a secret ministry that no one in the church knew about. I was supporting my local pastor by sharing all the spiritual books I read. There were times I felt like quitting, but the zeal that the church has to grow deeper in their spiritual life prompted me to share the spiritual truths. Thus, God made me a supporting minister to our local church pastor. Even today, I still do this supporting ministry secretly.

Blessing My Church

I genuinely feel that God called me to be part of my local church to bring it to a new level. The people that attend my local church depend mostly on the pastor rather than the Holy Spirit. So I sent messages to my pastor through the mail to teach the church how to pray for themselves. They must lean upon God and the Holy Spirit rather than on the pastor. At first, my pastor felt I was against pastors. Since I shared messages on teaching church members to pray themselves and use God-given authority to do spiritual warfare themselves, he developed this belief. Therefore, I had to face some hatred from my local church pastor for four years. Yet, I continued my support to the local church.

Later, when I shared about women’s roles in serving God, the church was totally against it. Our local church culture believed that women should not lead and that women have no special calling except taking care of the family. I faced opposition due to the cultural change I shared that women also have the purpose of supporting the church. There was much indirect criticism, such as that I was a devil trying to destroy the church growth, that I was disobedient, etc. Praying hard during those times in tears, God uplifted me through my regular devotional time and the sermons I heard. By the grace of God, I saw day by day that they started understanding I was helping the church to grow spiritually. Today, they are also supporting the teachings that I shared.

Ministry Training Classes at CLI for An Extraordinary Mission

The classes at Christian Leaders Institute on who God uses, the interview with John Burden, and the interview with Frank Weavers empowered me. God chose me, and I need to overcome the pain of criticism. The classes on the price to pay, things to know about change, and vision killers have taught me much. As I could not articulate my vision correctly, I had to face some challenges as my teachings required a change in the culture of my local church.

The classes on developing a vision statement, going public, building the team, strategic planning helped me on how to develop a vision statement and articulate it in a way that people will respond positively. How to build a team, grow a team, and how to accomplish the vision were also pivotal. The interview with Marty Ozinga on vision was helpful in that a person with vision must be optimistic. The classes on Spiritual Warfare and developing a prayer ministry gave me great insight. Whatever the obstacles we may face during the process of making a vision become a reality, God is with us as we depend on Him.

My Ministry Dreams

My ministry dreams for the future are to establish a prayer team that prays for pastoral care and the outreach of ministry. I hope to develop a pastoral care ministry in my local church and provide counseling and life coaching services to the church members. To establish a mentor center to train up future leaders is part of my dream as well. Above all, I hope to see that the whole congregation relies on the Holy Spirit rather than any human authority. I pray that God would guide me in articulating a vision clearly to make my ministry dreams a reality.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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