Affordable Divinity Degree

Affordable Divinity Degree

Affordable Divinity Degree – My name is Jason I am a 40-year-old sole provider for a family of six–four children and a wife living in Florida, USA. I currently work as a production planner for the GE F414 Engine PBL program. I have been blessed by the Lord to arrive at this position. I have worked my way up from a simple warehouse laborer to the contract I have now only by the grace of God.

Although I confessed Christ as Lord and was baptized in 2005, I quickly strayed back to the ways of the ‘world.’ As I became a father for the first time at the age of 30 and my family began to grow quickly I often prayed for guidance to be the figurehead and spiritual leader I needed to be to raise my family in the Lord. But, I still struggled with alcohol consumption and living for pleasure instead of completely surrendering myself to Christ. In March of 2014, the Lord answered my prayers in a way I never imagined. While away on vacation, a neighbor’s son broke into our home, robbed us, and burned down our house.

We returned to a sense of loss, hopelessness, and despair. However, we quickly realized just how blessed we were. Our community, for the most part, is predominantly active serving Christians and they surrounded us with love, compassion, and assistance. The local Baptist Church we had only visited a couple of times years prior quickly provided for our needs without us ever asking for assistance. It was at this point I realized the Lord was providing me a choice. I could try to cope with the tragedy on my own and eventually fall victim to alcohol abuse, or I could give my burdens to Him and surrender once and for all. I made my decision.

Since March 23, 2014, I and my family have been actively involved in the Church. My wife has been baptized and three of my four children as well. We serve as Awana leaders, Adult Sunday School teacher, Children’s Church leaders, missionaries, cooks, VBS leaders, and various other areas.

In June of 2016, I made the decision to pursue a seminary education. Although I do not believe I am called to fulfill the role of Pastor I did believe that I would need the education for whatever works the Lord has in store for me. Finances and poor participation in college during my youth have prevented me from being able to enroll in a traditional seminary college. Recently, after much prayer, I have a desire to become a hospital chaplain. Days after coming to this conclusion I discovered CLI. My plan is to pursue the degree option through CLI and be able to transfer that to seminary in pursuit of my M.DIV and hopefully work through the local hospital to become a chaplain.

I am most grateful for all the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon my family and I. I look forward to the opportunities provided through the Ministry of CLI.

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