Affordable Bible Training – Sharon Rogles
Affordable Bible Training
Affordable Bible Training – I live in Missouri, USA, but I was born overseas to missionary parents. I have known the Lord my whole life and was very busy living a life of service from the time I was 15. Daily life consisted of devotions, school, evangelism, and humanitarian work. My parents were from different churches and left together for the field to follow their faith. I had lived in some countries, five years in India, five years in Japan, and also Peru and European countries when I was younger.
I feel strongly called to serve the Lord in both preparing the next generation to use their spiritual gifts and knowledge of the Lord alongside a leadership program. I would like to create a program that consists of a strong spiritual life and also practical leadership skills. Something like John C Maxwell’s, YouthMax program.
The one thing we lack in this age is younger leaders with a heart for the Lord.
I am leader type am working on getting my bachelors degree so I can be more useful to my future goals and because others seem to require a degree before employing an individual. I have a load of experience motivating others, reaching young people, and also inspiring my age group, but without a degree, it’s very frustrating to follow my heart. It can make one feel like it too far out of reach to serve the Lord
I cannot afford to pay the high price to study material like this nor could I leave to attend a campus as I am a mother of a kindergarten child. But this CLI is amazing, and when I saw it my heart jumped, and my jaw dropped. I’m so thankful to have this opportunity to study sound doctrine and to become better equipped to bring Kingdom principals and values where I go.
I had a spiritual experience in 2011, where I met the Lord in Heaven, and I asked Him frustrating questions about my life. He was so natural, humorous, and was the essence of unconditional love. He then moved his hand into my heart and removed a splinter from my soul that I didn’t even know I was carrying. He told me I had a future to run to. He revived what was dying inside of me and told me my purpose was to restore what’s been depleted in others, to revive hope and faith in the invisible world and Heaven, to revive people’s dreams and purposes, and to replenish the inner resources. I have no idea how this will all come about but I’m on my way by faith, and I know that the angels of God count it a privilege to fight with the sons and daughters of God in the age of the great awakening.
Please pray that the Lord will continue to lead and guide my family was are thinking of moving to North Carolina. Thank you for following your hearts and obeying the inner stirring to give this vital information and scripture to the world by teaching us to lead.
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Awesome! What an amazing testimony! Thank God there are still contenders for the faith who are willing to push forward for the prize of the high call of God in Christ Jesus. Sister you are an inspiration! Keep on keeping on!
I will be blessed