Answer The Christian Wedding Officiant Calling and Nurture Christian Marriages


Answer The Christian Wedding Officiant Calling & Nurture Christian Marriages


“Let’s Mobilize an Army of Wedding Officiants: Answering the Christian Wedding Officiant Calling and Nurturing Christian Marriages”

by Henry Reyenga

In a world where the sanctity of Christian marriage faces increasing challenges, the Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) and Christian Leaders Alliance (CLA) introduce an innovative approach: Mobilizing a legion of wedding officiants dedicated to fortifying Christian marriages and inspiring ministry vocations. This white paper details the transformative journey towards becoming a wedding officiant, a path ripe with potential for cultivating rich external and internal ministry callings. Furthermore, it discusses the instrumental role officiants play in nurturing robust, Christ-centered marriages.


The Significance of Wedding Officiants Wedding officiants stand at the crux of a couple’s journey into matrimony. Beyond simply presiding over the ceremony, they often impart pre-marriage advice and direction. Armed with comprehensive training and an in-depth understanding of Christian doctrines, these officiants can significantly shape the spiritual bedrock of a marriage, equipping couples with the necessary tools for a fruitful, enduring partnership.


A. External Calling

The inception of the journey to becoming a wedding officiant frequently springs from an external calling. This takes place when community members perceive an individual’s potential for ministry and inspire them to delve into this role. This external affirmation can act as a potent motivator for deeper ministry engagement.

B. Internal Calling

The external calling is often accompanied or succeeded by an internal calling. As individuals mull over the prospect of becoming a wedding officiant or embark on their training, they may encounter a deep spiritual validation of this path. This internal calling can bolster their dedication to ministry and generate a lasting passion for service through Christ’s teachings.


Officiants who have undergone rigorous training through the CLI and CLA programs provide invaluable support to couples on the cusp of marriage. They guide couples in pre-marriage dialogues on vital topics, such as conflict resolution, communication, financial planning, and spiritual development. These discussions can dramatically improve a couple’s capability to establish a robust, Christ-centered marriage.

Moreover, by sharing their ministry journeys, officiants can also inspire others in their communities to probe their own callings.


CLI and CLA offer a comprehensive and flexible program for individuals interested in becoming ordained wedding officiants. The curriculum is rooted in Christian teachings and provides extensive training in various aspects of ministry, including leading pre-marriage counseling sessions and conducting wedding ceremonies.

Upon successful completion of the required coursework, individuals receive ordination through CLA, a reputable organization that verifies the ordination and the officiant’s ability to officiate weddings. The partnership between CLI and CLA ensures the credibility and recognition of the ordination, enhancing the officiant’s reputation in the community and expanding their potential to nurture resilient, Christian marriages.

Moreover, by sharing their ministry journeys, officiants can also inspire others in their communities to probe their own callings.


The responsibilities of a wedding officiant go beyond the ceremonial aspects, delving into the couple’s spiritual journey and shaping their future life together. Here are three key ways in which an experienced wedding officiant influences the couple’s spiritual future:

  1. Inviting God into Their Marriage An officiant acts as a catalyst, inviting God into the couple’s marriage. This divine invocation is not merely a formality but a profound commitment. The officiant helps the couple recognize and embrace the idea that their union extends beyond themselves and becomes a covenant with God.
  2. Emphasizing Mutual Consent in a Diminished World In a world where the significance and value of mutual consent have diminished, the wedding officiant plays a crucial role in restoring its importance. They guide the couple through the significance of their vows, the weight of their promises, and the value of mutual agreement centered on God in a Christian marriage. The officiant reinforces that marriage is a conscious, mutual commitment rooted in respect and love.
  3. Addressing the Couple’s Spiritual Needs A thriving marriage involves more than just love and companionship; it encompasses the couple’s spiritual growth. Wedding officiants, equipped with training, are capable of identifying and addressing these spiritual needs. They guide couples in understanding how their relationship serves as a conduit for spiritual fulfillment and a deeper comprehension of God’s love.


A well-trained officiant ensures that these essential elements form the foundation of the wedding ceremony. They deliver a concise message, akin to a “sermon light,” to family and friends during the wedding, upholding the Biblical view of marriage. This message, delivered confidently and skillfully, emphasizes the cultural model of Biblical marriage and advocates for the significance of monogamy. Therefore, the role of the officiant is critical not only in overseeing the marriage ceremony but also in promoting a healthy and God-centered understanding of this sacred commitment.

By fulfilling these essential responsibilities, the officiant plays a pivotal role in nurturing the spiritual future of the couple and their community. They experience a sense of calling to ministry as they witness the impact of their role on the couple’s journey of faith and love.

  1. Inviting God into Their Marriage An officiant acts as a catalyst, inviting God into the couple’s marriage. This divine invocation is not merely a formality but a profound commitment. The officiant helps the couple recognize and embrace the idea that their union extends beyond themselves and becomes a covenant with God.
  2. Emphasizing Mutual Consent in a Diminished World In a world where the significance and value of mutual consent have diminished, the wedding officiant plays a crucial role in restoring its importance. They guide the couple through the significance of their vows, the weight of their promises, and the value of mutual agreement centered on God in a Christian marriage. The officiant reinforces that marriage is a conscious, mutual commitment rooted in respect and love.
  3. Addressing the Couple’s Spiritual Needs A thriving marriage involves more than just love and companionship; it encompasses the couple’s spiritual growth. Wedding officiants, equipped with training, are capable of identifying and addressing these spiritual needs. They guide couples in understanding how their relationship serves as a conduit for spiritual fulfillment and a deeper comprehension of God’s love.


Therefore, the path to becoming a wedding officiant becomes a calling in itself. Through the programs offered by the Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance, individuals are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to confidently respond to this calling. They are empowered to make a lasting impact on couples and their communities, strengthening the foundation of Christian marriages and promoting the cultural value of Biblical marriage.

Let us answer this call, join the ranks of wedding officiants, and make a difference in our world, one Christian marriage at a time. The future of Christian marriages and the spiritual growth of our communities depend on our willingness to step up and serve in this vital ministry.

By fulfilling these essential responsibilities, the officiant plays a pivotal role in nurturing the spiritual future of the couple and their community. They experience a sense of calling to ministry as they witness the impact of their role on the couple’s journey of faith and love.

  1. Inviting God into Their Marriage An officiant acts as a catalyst, inviting God into the couple’s marriage. This divine invocation is not merely a formality but a profound commitment. The officiant helps the couple recognize and embrace the idea that their union extends beyond themselves and becomes a covenant with God.
  2. Emphasizing Mutual Consent in a Diminished World In a world where the significance and value of mutual consent have diminished, the wedding officiant plays a crucial role in restoring its importance. They guide the couple through the significance of their vows, the weight of their promises, and the value of mutual agreement centered on God in a Christian marriage. The officiant reinforces that marriage is a conscious, mutual commitment rooted in respect and love.
  3. Addressing the Couple’s Spiritual Needs A thriving marriage involves more than just love and companionship; it encompasses the couple’s spiritual growth. Wedding officiants, equipped with training, are capable of identifying and addressing these spiritual needs. They guide couples in understanding how their relationship serves as a conduit for spiritual fulfillment and a deeper comprehension of God’s love.


The role of a wedding officiant often marks the initial stage of a broader journey of ministerial vocations provided by the Christian Leaders Alliance(CLA). This role serves not only as a destination but also as a launching pad, allowing you to expand your ministry and serve in various capacities within the Christian community.

A. Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant

The Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant is the foundational ministerial credential available. With only 5-10 hours of study and one recommendation, you can confidently and competently become a recognized Wedding Officiant, licensed through the CLA.

B. Field Minister

The role of a Field Minister builds upon the Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant role, providing you with further recognition as a minister. It elevates a local lay minister to a clergy status, enabling you to serve more effectively in your local church or community. If you are seeking online ordination, this program is highly recommended. Ideal candidates for this role include:

  • Retired Christians who wish to serve
  • Church Elders
  • Church Deacons
  • Business Leaders
  • Homeschool Moms

C. Coaching Minister

As a Coaching Minister, you are not only a licensed minister but also a coach or life coach. This program expands on the previous roles, offering you another avenue for service.

D. Licensed Minister

The Licensed Minister role expands the scope of ministerial work in your church or community. This position ranks among the most sought-after ministerial roles at the Christian Leaders Institute.

E. Licensed Ministry Chaplain

As a Licensed Ministry Chaplain, you can serve as a volunteer in local fire departments or civic organizations, making this role ideal for those called to such service.

F. Ordained Minister

The role of an Ordained Minister is the first ordination clergy role granted through CLA using the training at Christian Leaders Institute. This role equips you to perform all the essential functions of ordained ministry and requires three recommendations.

Let us answer this call, join the ranks of wedding officiants, and make a difference in our world, one Christian marriage at a time. The future of Christian marriages and the spiritual growth of our communities depend on our willingness to step up and serve in this vital ministry.

By fulfilling these essential responsibilities, the officiant plays a pivotal role in nurturing the spiritual future of the couple and their community. They experience a sense of calling to ministry as they witness the impact of their role on the couple’s journey of faith and love.

  1. Inviting God into Their Marriage An officiant acts as a catalyst, inviting God into the couple’s marriage. This divine invocation is not merely a formality but a profound commitment. The officiant helps the couple recognize and embrace the idea that their union extends beyond themselves and becomes a covenant with God.
  2. Emphasizing Mutual Consent in a Diminished World In a world where the significance and value of mutual consent have diminished, the wedding officiant plays a crucial role in restoring its importance. They guide the couple through the significance of their vows, the weight of their promises, and the value of mutual agreement centered on God in a Christian marriage. The officiant reinforces that marriage is a conscious, mutual commitment rooted in respect and love.
  3. Addressing the Couple’s Spiritual Needs A thriving marriage involves more than just love and companionship; it encompasses the couple’s spiritual growth. Wedding officiants, equipped with training, are capable of identifying and addressing these spiritual needs. They guide couples in understanding how their relationship serves as a conduit for spiritual fulfillment and a deeper comprehension of God’s love.


Each of these roles allows for specialization in areas such as youth or marriage, providing a tailored path to serve in a capacity that aligns with your calling and interests.

These multiple paths of service present diverse opportunities to expand your ministerial work beyond the initial Wedding Officiant role. Each step further equips you with skills, knowledge, and recognition, enabling you to serve the Christian community in deeper and more impactful ways. As you explore these roles, consider how each one can enhance your journey in ministry and provide avenues to extend Christ’s love and teachings within your community.


The “Give It Forward” movement, a cornerstone of the Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance philosophy, ensures that high-quality, rigorous ministry training is accessible to individuals across all economic situations. This initiative embodies the belief that economic constraints should not hinder one’s calling to serve in Christian ministry.

The “Give It Forward” movement is based on the principle of generosity. Students and ministers who have the means are encouraged to donate towards the free education they have received, thus ‘giving it forward’ for the next student. This enables individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, or from countries where educational resources are scarce or expensive, to access the same quality of ministry training without the burden of financial strain.

By adopting a model where those who can afford to give, do so, and those who can’t, are still afforded the opportunity to learn and grow, the “Give It Forward” movement creates an inclusive learning environment that uplifts and empowers all members, regardless of their financial standing.

This model democratizes access to education and training, breaking down the barriers of traditional educational institutions that often leave individuals in debt. Instead, the “Give It Forward” movement fosters a spirit of community, interdependence, and shared success.

Through this initiative, the Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance have managed to reach and equip thousands of individuals globally. From the Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant to the Ordained Minister role, every program is made available to all, ensuring that every person who feels the calling to Christian ministry has the tools, training, and recognition necessary to realize that calling.

In essence, the “Give It Forward” movement ensures that your economic situation does not dictate your ability to answer God’s call. It proves that with shared responsibility, generosity, and a commitment to serving others, we can build a world where everyone, irrespective of their financial standing, can explore their calling and serve their communities effectively.


Call to Action We invite Christians to probe their ministry callings and consider the role of a wedding officiant. By becoming trained and ordained officiants through the CLI and CLA program, individuals can significantly impact their communities, fostering Christ-centered marriages and inspiring others to explore their own callings. Let’s rally this army of wedding officiants and collectively strive towards the strengthening of Christian marriages and the promotion of meaningful ministry engagements.

By empowering Christians to become officiants, we aim to ensure that an increasing number of couples embark on their marital journey with a robust foundation in Christ, thereby building stronger communities and a brighter future for Christian families.

This initiative not only equips individuals with the skills to lead and counsel but also provides a platform to foster a sense of calling, bolstering the overall spiritual fabric of the Christian community. The Christian Wedding Officiant Calling may start with being asked to perform a wedding ceremony, that calling expands in to a ministry calling that goes beyond. Let’s answer the call together.