Become a Wedding Officiant
A license program that makes you approved and legal in every state in the United States and most countries of the world
Become a Wedding Officiant Though Training and Official credential
Christian Leaders offers Christians the easiest way to complete professional clergy grade training to legally perform Christian wedding ceremonies.
- A process of recommendation, training, local commissioning, and official license.
- Opportunity to make their wedding day full of the love of Christ and share the gospel.
- Positively impact the couple, their marriage, and possibly future children.
Join a Community of 1600+ licensed wedding officiant graduates
"I now have a deeper understanding of God’s plan for marriage. I learned the details of procuring a marriage license and my state’s requirements. I learned about godly dating relationships. Further, I learned that the Wedding Officiant is not just performing a wedding but is guiding the couple in a God-honoring marriage. I learned what to look for in our first meeting and the questions to ask about the wedding. I learned to start the rehearsal in the stage position and the timing of when each step in the process should take place. I learned to make the wedding message personal to the bride and groom through the theme of the wedding contained in the Scripture picked. I learned everything I need to know to make this a special day for the bride and groom.
-Tom Miller
Christian Leaders Graduate
Become a wedding officiant that is confident, Compentent & Credible
Are you interested in becoming a wedding officiant in less than one month? Are you a Christian who was asked to perform a Christian wedding ceremony?
Maybe you are a Christian wedding planner who is interested in officiating weddings? Or you are interested in starting a marriage ceremony ministry in your local church or community?
The easiest way to become a wedding officiant is to get an instant ordination. Most USA states recognize this ordination but some states like Tennessee do not approve of this method of ordination.
There are trendy websites that are not exclusively Christian where you can order easy clergy credentials that are not Christian ministry training-based. For example, there is often very little training on conducting a wedding ceremony or conducting pre-wedding meetings.
These credentialed ministers received Biblical ministry training and a process that recognizes a calling to ministry. We believe that applies even when someone asks you to perform one wedding. This program is also popular for locally ordained church staff members who desire recognized minister credentials.
The Christian Leaders approach is a professional clergy credentialing approach that can easily become a wedding officiant within one month. It also covers four important bases that will credential you as a licensed wedding minister!
Important Factors:
1. Create Your Free Student Account and Required Complete Free Training – this training covers the subject of how to become a wedding officiant, with videos, written materials, and quizzes for an official record.
2. Licensed Wedding Officiant Credential Program – This minister credential program includes a local endorsement. You must gather at least one endorsement of someone who vouches for your Christian character. A minister’s walk with God is important.
3. Global Minister Posting – After you complete this program, the Christian Leaders Alliance will post your name as a Licensed Wedding Officiant.
4. Official Minister Recognition Credentials – You are invited to order a minister credential program that is right for you, which includes a letter of good standing, a clergy ID card, a Licensed Minister Credential Certificate and more depending on the package you choose.
How much time will this take? Most who apply themselves have succeeded! Most complete the program in their spare time in between 2 and 4 weeks.
This License Program Can Be Completed in One Month.
Official Requirements For License:
Enrollment in the Free Getting Started Class (0 credits)
Christian Wedding Officiant Skills Course (1 Credit)
Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant Credential Class (0 Credits)
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