Spread The Gospel • Become Ordained • Serve Christ
Become Ordained
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
~Mark 16:15
Reach The world For Christ As an Ordained leader
Are you a called Christian looking to spread the gospel like wildfire across all of creation? Do you want to become an ordained minister? Our goal is to help equip Christians with high-quality and completely free ministry training to raise them up to become ordained leaders for Christ! Thousands of Christians have been ordained through the Christian Leaders Alliance since 2014
about our program
We are an online training institute with dozens of ordination programs that utilize over 150+ free ministry courses covering a wide variety of ministry roles. We currently have enrolled over 550,000 students all over the globe.
Our training is online, high-quality, 100% free, and most importantly biblical!
About Our Credentials
Along with our ordination programs and 150+ free ministry training courses we offer more official credentials as well including: awards, certificates, diplomas and degrees within ministry! These further credentials not only will help grow you in your ministry knowledge but will help give further credibility within your ministry calling as well.
Next Steps
If you are a Christian and have a calling on your life to spread the gospel, our courses will train and equip you with sound, biblical, and high-quality ministry training to develop your leadership skills and launch you in your calling.
If this sounds interesting to you, follow these three easy steps to try our program out for free:
1. Click the "Enroll Today" button
2. Fill out the Application Form to create your student account
"If you are looking for a way to grow and become ordained, Christian Leaders Institute Is a great place to start. I have been enrolled in CLI for over a year and it has truly help me to believe and know God's will for my life."

Greg Miller
Ordained Graduate
Interested but have a question you want answered?
Contact Us
1 (616) 777-0305
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