A Changed Life – Mississippi Ministry Training

Hello and Blessings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. My name is Jacqueline Lambert and I live in a small rural community which is located in the United States which is in Mississippi. I am married with 3 children. I was raised in a Christian home not really understanding what that was. We were raised to go to church, but that was about it. I have 1 sister that knows the Lord and attends church and 1 brother that goes to church and 1 that has turned his back on the Lord, but were saved as children.

Religious beliefs are protected here in the USA although a lot of people either don’t believe the true gospel or don’t live what they once believed.

I was brought up to serve the Lord, however I made my decision to really serve the Lord in my teens. I rededicated my life back to the Lord when I was 23 and that decision was life altering. I was a person who came from the slums of the streets from alcohol every day to sober mentality in Christ. My life has not been the same. I was filled with the spirit of the Lord and he began to show me things and teach me his heart and mind that was so different from what I had been taught by traditional church.

Right now my Ministry dream is to continue to tell as many people about the Lord and show them how once you accept the award of God as law for your life it will and can change you. It is to start a ministry in my community that can become a safe haven for the people by teaching the unadulterated word of God.
I am a assistant pastor in my local church but I wanted this course to be better equipped in my knowledge as well as better equipped to lead the people of God and I found out in order to do that you yourself must be equipped in your walk. In which case I have not told anyone that I am doing this course and will keep it that way until the Lord impresses me to reveal it.

I am pursuing this Ministry course because I want to be available and equipped for whatever the Lord wants me to do. I am not doing it to be something. I’m doing it to so that I will be equipped for whatever job the Lord has me in.

A scholarship for me to continue in this course is essential because I currently only have one income in our household, which leaves our income limited so I would not be able to afford to do any type of course if I had to pay for it.

My prayer is that I will be ready and equipped for whatever the Lord wants for me to do and that I will forever walk close to Him and be in His perfect Will.

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